All areas of taxation : Personal Tax, Corporate Tax. | Suggesting legal structure of business entities. | Transactional advisory - optimal deal structure | T
22. Terms and conditions for availing exemptions, drawbacks and concessions to every Developer and entrepreneur for authorized operations (1) Grant of exemption, drawbacks and concession to the entrepreneur or Developer shall be subject to the following conditions, namely:—
(i) the Unit shall execute a Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking in Form H, with regard to its obligations regarding proper utilization and accountal of goods, including capital goods, spares, raw materials, components and consumables including fuels, imported or procured duty free and regarding achievement of positive net foreign exchange earning;
(ii) the Developer and Co-developer shall execute the Bond-cum- Legal Undertaking in Form D with regard to their obligations
regarding proper utilization and accountal of goods, including goods procured or imported by a contractor duly authorized by
the Developer or Co-developer, as the case may be;
(iii) the Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking shall be jointly accepted by Development Commissioner and by the Specified Officer:
Provided that the Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking executed by the Unit or the Developer including Co-developer shall cover
one or more of the following activities, namely:—
(a) the movement of goods between port of import or export and the Special Economic Zone;
(b) the authorized operations, as applicable to Unit or Developer;
(c) temporary removal of goods or goods manufactured in Unit for the purposes of repairs or testing or calibration or
display or processing or sub-contracting of production process or production or other temporary removals into Domestic Tariff Area without payment of duty;
(d) re-import of exported goods.
(iv) The procedure for execution of Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking shall be as under:—
(a) the Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking, where the entrepreneur or Developer is a company shall be executed by the Managing Director of the company or the Director(s) or any person who has or have been duly authorized for this purpose by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the company and shall be affixed with the common seal of the company; where the entrepreneur is a partnership firm, Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking shall be executed by all the partners or authorized partner(s); where the entrepreneur is a Hindu Undivided Family, the Bond-cum- Legal Undertaking shall be executed by the Kartha; and where the entrepreneur is a proprietorship concern, the
Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking shall be executed by the proprietor;
(b) the value of the Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking shall be equal to the amount of effective duties leviable on import or procurement from the Domestic Tariff Area of the projected requirement of capital goods, raw materials, spares, consumables, intermediates, components, parts, packing materials for three months as applicable but which will not be levied on account of admission of such goods
into the Unit or the amount of effective duties leviable on import or procurement from Domestic Tariff Area of the projected requirements of goods for the authorized operation by the Developer but will not be levied on account of admission of such goods into the Special
Economic Zone;
(c) where the value of Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking executed falls short on account of requirement of additional goods, the Unit or the Developer shall submit additional Bondcum- Legal Undertaking;
(d) there shall be no debit and credit, the Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking amount shall be monitored quarterly or yearly on the basis of Quarterly Progress Report or Annual Progress Report submitted by the Developer or Unit, as the case may be, and in case of any shortfall in the Bondcum- Legal Undertaking amount, a fresh or additional Bondcum-
Legal Undertaking shall be furnished;
(e) the original of Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking shall be maintained by the office of Development Commissioner and certified copies shall be given to the Specified Officer and Unit or Developer;
(f) the value of the Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking in respect of gems and jewellery units shall be calculated on rates as notified by the Central Government, from time to time;
(g) duly completed Bond-cum-Legal Undertaking executed by the Unit or Developer, in accordance with the rules above, as the case may be, shall be deemed to have been accepted, if no communication is received within seven working days from the date of its submission.
(2) Every Unit and Developer shall maintain proper accounts, financial yearwise, and such accounts which should clearly indicate in value terms the goods imported or procured from Domestic Tariff Area, consumption or utilization of goods, production of goods, including by-products, waste or scrap or remnants, disposal of goods manufactured or produced, by way of exports, sales or supplies in the domestic tariff area or transfer to Special Economic Zone or Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park or Software Technology Park Units or Bio-technology Park Unit, as the case may be, and balance in stock:
Provided that unit and developers shall maintain such records for a period of seven years from the end of relevant financial year:
Provided further that the unit engaged in both trading and manufacturing activities shall maintain separate records for trading and
manufacturing activities. (3) The Unit shall submit Annual Performance Reports in the Form I, to the Development Commissioner and the Development Commissioner shall place the same before the Approval Committee for consideration.
(4) The Developer shall submit Quarterly Report on import and procurement of goods from the Domestic Tariff Area, utilization of the same and the stock in hand, in Form E to the Development Commissioner and the Specified Officer and the Development Commissioner shall place the same before the Approval Committee.
All areas of taxation : Personal Tax, Corporate Tax. | Suggesting legal structure of business entities. | Transactional advisory - optimal deal structure | T
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