46. Procedure for Export — (1) The procedure for export from Special Economic Zone through seaports or airports or Inland Container Depot or Container Freight Station or Land Customs Station or by Post or by Courier or by Personal Carriage, as the case may be, shall be as under:—

(a) the Unit shall file Shipping Bill, in quadruplicate, with the Authorized Officer of Customs in the Special Economic Zone together with relevant documents, namely, invoice, packing list and Currency Declaration Form (GR) (in duplicate):
Provided that there shall be exemption from declaration in the forms, GR or SDF or PP or SOFTEX as referred in the Foreign Exchange Management (Export of Goods and Services) Regulations, 2000 notified vide Reserve Bank of India Notification No. FEMA 23/2000-RB dated 3rd May, 2000 as amended from time to time in respect of export value up to US $ twenty-five thousand or for export value as may be notified by the Reserve Bank of India, from time to time;
(b) the Shipping Bill shall be registered, assigned a running serial number and assessed by the Authorized Officer in the manner and procedure as is followed in case of exports under free shipping bill without any requirement of the counter signature;
(c) the goods shall not be subjected to routine examination and ‘Let Export Order’ shall be given on the basis of self certification
by the Unit: 
PROVIDED that goods may be sealed after examination, as per the norms prescribed for free shipping bills, at the option of the Unit, by the Authorized Officer:
Provided further that if services are exported in non-physical form, the export value is to be furnished by the Unit on self certification basis as per the instructions of the Reserve Bank of India.
Explanation : “Self certification” means the certification regarding sealing of container or package of goods under export given by the Unit
and includes the certificate regarding contents and sealing of the container or package given by the owner or the working partner or the Managing Director or the Company Secretary of the said Unit or any person authorized in this behalf by the owner or company or working partner, as the case may be, on the copies of Shipping Bill stating that the package or container in respect of goods under export have been sealed in his presence;
(d) the goods may be examined at the port, airport, Inland Container Depot or Container Freight Station or Land Customs Station only in case of specific intelligence or information after obtaining the written permission of Deputy or Assistant Commissioner of Customs having jurisdiction over the said port, airport, Inland Container Depot or Container Freight Station or Land Customs Station, as the case may be, in writing;
(b) the Unit may export through Inland Container Depot located in the Special Economic Zone, or through any port or airport or
Inland Container Depot:
Provided that in case of export of large quantities of cargo where it may not be possible to ship the cargo from the Special Economic Zone in one consignment, the Specified Officer may allow the export of such cargo on execution of a Bond for the duty involved subject to the condition that the Unit shall submit the proof of export within ninety days of removal of such cargo under Bond, failing which applicable duty on the goods not exported shall be payable in terms of the Bond;
(2) The procedure for export of gems and jewellery shall be as under:—
(i) the shipping bill and the invoice alongwith packing list presented to the authorized officer shall contain the following:—
(a) description of the items;
(b) weight and purity of gold or silver or platinum and the type of gems stone, such as, diamond, ruby, sapphire, cubic zircon and the like which has been used for studding and its weight in carats; and
(c) free on board price rate of the jewellery item and quantity in pieces and the total value;
(ii) the Unit may export jewellery on the basis of a notional rate certificate issued by the Nominated Agency and this rate will be based on the prevailing Gold or US Dollar rate and the US Dollar or Indian Rupees rate given in the notional rate certificate:
Provided that the certificate issued by the Nominated Agency shall not precede the date of shipment by more than three working days or as may be notified by Central Government;
(iii) the Unit obtaining gold or silver or platinum from the Nominated Agency on loan basis shall export gold or silver or platinum jewellery within the period prescribed for the same under the Foreign Trade Policy:
Provided that the Unit can convert such loan into outright purchase by paying the outstanding loan amount plus interest, provided they exercise this option within the period prescribed under the Foreign Trade Policy;
(iv) in the case of export of jewellery on the basis of notional rate certificate issued by the Nominated Agency, the Unit may fix the price and repay the gold loan within the prescribed period for export as may be notified by the Central Government from time to time:
Provided that the price shall be communicated to the Nominated Agency for issue of a certificate showing the final confirmation
of the rate to the bank negotiating the document.
(3) Procedure for export of software shall be as under:—
(i) a Unit may export software or processed data, including call center services via data link or internet or e-mail or through other electronic mode and the Software Export Declaration Form for such exports duly certified by Development Commissioner under the Foreign Exchange Management (Export of Goods and Services) Regulations, 2000, shall be submitted to the authorized dealer within the period specified under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999);
(ii) a Unit may provide consultancy services “on site” abroad subject to submission of details of the contract or purchase order and
foreign exchange remitted and the persons deputed abroad to the Authorised Officer;
(iii) the consideration received by the Unit for providing on site consultancy services in convertible foreign exchange shall be counted for the purpose of calculating positive Net Foreign Exchange Earning under rule 53.
(4) The Unit may export goods by post subject to the procedure applicable to export through Foreign Post Office. 
(5) Export through couriers shall be allowed only if the courier is an authorised courier, being registered with the Commissioner of Customs having jurisdiction over the gateway airport and the procedure specified in the Courier Export and Import (Clearance) Regulations, 1998 shall be followed:
Provided that goods shall be allowed to be handed over to the courier by the custodian as per the procedure specified by the Specified
(6) A Unit may export goods to be carried by foreign bound passengers authorized by the Unit in this behalf as personal baggage, subject to the following conditions, namely:—
(i) the Unit shall submit the shipping bill, invoice and Currency Declaration Form (GR) with the authorised officer;
(ii) the shipping bill shall be assessed by the Authorised Officer in the same manner as is done in the case of exports under free shipping bill;
(iii) the goods shall be transferred from the Special Economic Zone to the airport under the cover of assessed shipping bill by the
authorized agency approved by the Specified Officer or under escort of Authorized Officer;
(iv) the goods shall be deposited with the warehouse at the airport against a “detention receipt” issued by the Customs authorities
at the airport;
(v) the consignment shall be handed over to the authorized passenger at the time of departure on submission of original detention receipt;
(vi) the Unit shall submit to the Specified Officer, the proof of export issued by the Customs authority at the airport within a period
of fifteen days from the date of removal of the goods from the Special Economic Zone;
(vii) where the facility of custodian is available in the Special Economic Zone and the airport, goods shall be transferred and delivered to the authorized passenger at the airport by the custodian;
(viii) personal carriage of spare parts by foreign bound passenger shall be allowed in case the spare parts are required for repairs of exported goods at customer site and following documents shall be submitted as proof of export, namely:—
(a) permission letter from the authorised officer for exports; and
(b) invoice with value;
(ix) personal carriage of any goods for exports by authorized passenger on Document Against Acceptance or Cash On Delivery basis may be allowed provided the Unit submits following documents, namely:—
(a) copy of shipping bill; and
(b) the bank Certificate for realization of proceeds shall be submitted within thirty days of delivery of the goods;
(x) personal carriage of gems and jewellery items of the value not exceeding US $ two millions or other goods not exceeding rupees five lakhs in value, for holding or participating in overseas exhibitions shall be permitted with the approval of the Development Commissioner and subject to the following conditions, namely:—
(i) the Unit shall declare personal carriage of such goods to the Customs authorities at the airport while leaving the country and obtain necessary endorsement; 
(ii) Unit shall bring back goods or repatriate the sale proceeds within forty-five days from the date of closure of exhibition through normal banking channels or within such days as may be notified by the Central Government; and
(iii) for personal carriage of goods by foreign bound passenger, the following documents shall be submitted by a Unit as
proof of exports, namely:—
(a) copy of shipping bill filed by the Unit;
(b) copy of the Currency Declaration Form filed by the Foreign buyer with the Customs at the time of his arrival;
(c) foreign exchange realisation or encashment certificate from the Bank.
(7) A Unit may display the goods in the show rooms set up at departure lounge in international Airports in India for sale to passengers leaving India subject to the conditions and procedures laid down by the Commissioner of Customs having jurisdiction of the Airport:
Provided that the items remaining unsold within a period of fortyfive days shall be exported or returned to the Unit.
(8) A Unit may export goods, including gems and jewellery, for display or sale in the permitted shops set up abroad or in the show rooms of their distributors or agents:
Provided that the items not sold abroad may be re-imported within a period of three hundred and sixty five days from the date of their
export inclusive of the period of forty-five days.
(9) A Unit may export goods, including gems and jewellery for display or participation in exhibitions abroad subject to following conditions,
(i) the Unit shall give advance intimation to the Development Commissioner to participate in the exhibition abroad or for taking goods abroad for display and sale;
(ii) shipping bill along with relevant documents shall be filed with the authorized officer in the same manner and following the same procedure as applicable to free shipping bill;
(iii) photographs of the items being taken out for exhibition, attested by the Unit, shall be furnished in case of gems and jewellery;
(iv) goods unsold in the exhibition or display tour shall be imported within forty-five days from the completion of the exhibition or within such days as may be notified by the Central Government;
(v) the Unit shall file Bill of Entry for import of unsold goods as required in case of imports and it shall be assessed in the same manner and subject to same procedure as applicable to imported goods;
(vi) the goods so imported shall be allowed admission into the Unit free of duty, subject to establishment of identity of the goods with reference to export documents:
Provided that the examination of goods in such cases shall be restricted to ten per cent. of the consignments at random;
(vii) the Unit shall submit proof of inward remittance in respect of goods sold in the exhibition.
(10) A Unit may export goods and services, through another Unit or merchant exporter or status holder or Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Bio-technology Park Unit subject to following conditions, namely:—
(i) goods or services shall be manufactured or developed in the Unit concerned;
(ii) requirements of positive Net Foreign Exchange Earning or any other conditions relating to authorized operations shall continue to be discharged by the Unit;
(iii) export orders so procured shall be executed within the provisions of these rules and the goods shall be directly transferred from the Unit to the airport or port of shipment;
(iv) fulfillment of positive Net Foreign Exchange Earning by the Unit shall be reckoned on the basis of the price at which the goods or services were supplied by the Unit to the status holder or merchant exporter or other Unit or Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Bio-technology Park Unit:
Provided that such export shall be counted towards fulfillment of obligations of the Unit only.
(11) The procedure for export through a merchant exporter or status holder shall be the following,—
(i) goods shall be exported directly from the Special Economic Zone or through any other port where the merchant exporter files his shipping bill, in which case the goods shall move directly from the Special Economic Zone to the said port of export on the basis of pink shipping bill as if these were movement of goods from one warehouse to another;
(ii) export document shall contain the name of the merchant exporter or the status holder and the Unit;
(iii) merchant exporter or status holder, as the case may be, shall export goods under a free Shipping Bill and submit a disclaimer
that no Drawback, Duty Exemption Pass Book credit or fulfillment of export obligation under any export promotion scheme under the Foreign Trade Policy shall be availed by him on the goods so exported.
(12) A Unit may transfer goods, including goods imported or procured from Domestic Tariff Area, to another Unit or Export Oriented Unit or
Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Bio-technology Park Unit, subject to the following procedures, namely:—
(i) the receiving Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Biotechnology
Park Unit shall file Bill of Entry for warehousing, in quintuplicate along with invoice, procurement certificate issued by the Customs Officer in charge of the receiving Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park unit or Software Technology Park unit or Bio-technology Park unit and packing list with the Authorised Officer along with copy of the Letter of Approval and bonding licence:
Provided that in case the receiving Unit is a Special Economic Zone unit, Bill of Entry for home consumption shall be filed in place of Bill of Entry for warehousing; 
(ii) on the basis of such Bill of Entry assessed by the Authorised Officer, goods shall be allowed to be cleared to receiving Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Bio-technology Park Unit or to a Unit in another Special Economic Zone;
(iii) the receiving Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Biotechnology
Park Unit or Special Economic Zone Unit shall submit the re-warehousing certificate to the Authorised Officer having jurisdiction over the supplying Unit within forty-five days, failing which the Authorised Officer shall communicate this fact to the Officer of Customs or Excise having jurisdiction over the Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Bio-technology Park Unit or to the Specified Officer for demand of applicable duty from the receiving Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Biotechnology Park Unit or Unit in another Special Economic Zone,
as the case may be;
(iv) where supplying and receiving Units are located in the same Special Economic Zone, movement of goods including raw materials shall be allowed subject to maintenance of accounts by both receiving and supplying Units and no Bill of Entry shall be required to be filed.
(13) The Authorised Officer may permit a Unit to transfer goods to an Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or
Software Technology Park Unit or Bio-technology Park Unit or to a bonded warehouse, without payment of duty subject to following conditions, namely:—
(i) the Unit shall transfer the goods against Procurement Certificate issued by the Central Excise or Customs Officer in charge of
receiving Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Biotechnology Park Unit;
(ii) a warehousing Bill of Entry shall be filed by the Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unir or Bio-technology Park Unit or by the supplying Special Economic Zone Unit on behalf of the receiving
Export Oriented Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Biotechnology Park Unit, as the case may be, with the Authorised Officer;
(iii) Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Bio-technology Park Unit shall submit re-warehousing certificate duly signed by the Central Excise or Customs Officer having jurisdiction over the receiving Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Biotechnology Park Unit within a period forty-five days from the date of clearance of the goods to the Authorised Officer;
(iv) where the Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Biotechnology Park Unit fails to submit the re-warehousing certificate within the period of forty-five days of clearance of goods, the Authorised Officer shall take up the matter with the Central Excise or Customs Officer of the receiving Unit to initiate recovery proceeding against such Export Oriented Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Bio-technology Park Unit, as
the case may be;
(v) where goods admitted into a Unit from Domestic Tariff Area on which entitlement under Duty Exemption Pass Book Scheme had been availed are removed as such or after subjecting it to a process not amounting to manufacture to an Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Bio-technology Park Unit directly or through a Unit in the same Special Economic Zone or another Special Economic Zone, the customs duty equal to entitlement availed under the Duty Exemption Pass Book Scheme shall be paid.
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