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23. Assessment M. VAT ACT | |
23. Assessment
(1)Where a registered dealer fails to file a return in respect of any period by the prescribed date, the Commissioner may assess the dealer in respect of the said period to the best of his judgement without serving a notice for assessment and without affording an opportunity of being heard;
Provided that, if after the assessment order is passed, the dealer submits the return for the said period along with evidence of payment of tax due as per the return or submits evidence of return for the said period having been filed before the passing of the assessment order along with evidence of payment of tax, due as per the return, then the Commissioner shall cancel by order in writing, the said assessment order.
Provided further that, such cancellation shall be without prejudice to any interest or penalty that may be levied in respect of the said period and after such cancellation, the dealer may be assessed in respect of the said period under the other provisions of this section.
Provided also that no order under this sub-section shall be passed after three years from the end of the year containing the said period.
(2) Where the return in respect of any period is filed by a registered dealer by the prescribed date and if the Commissioner considers it necessary or expedient to ensure that return is correct and complete and he thinks it necessary to require the presence of the dealer or the production of further documents, he shall serve onsuch dealer, a notice requiring him on a date and at a place specified therein, either to attend and produce of cause to be produced all documents on which such dealer reliesin support of his return, or to produce such documents or evidence as is specified in the notice.
On the date specified in the notice, or as soonas may he thereafter, the Commissioner shall, after considering all the documents or evidence which may be produced, assess the amount of tax due from the dealer:
Provided that, if a registered dealer fails to comply with the terms of any notice issued under this sub-section, the Commissioner shall assess, to the best of his judgement the amount of tax due from him:
Provided further that,(……) no order of assessment under this sub-section shall be made after the expiry of three years from the end of the year containing the period to which return relates.
(3) Where a registered dealer has not filed the return in respect of any period by the prescribed date, then the Commissioner may, at any time, within three years from the end of the year containing the said period serve on the dealer a notice requiring him to attend on a date and at a place specified therein and after giving the dealer a reasonable opportunity of being heard, proceed to assess, to the best of his judgment, the amount of tax due from him:
Provided that, no order of assessment under this sub-section shall be made after the expiry of four years from the end of year containing the said period.
(3A) Where a notice for assessment under sub-section (3) of section 21 has been served on the dealer, the Commissioner shall assess, to the best of his judgement, the amount of tax due from him :
Provided that, no order of assessment under this sub-section shall be made after the expiry of seven years from the end of the year containing the period in respect of which the notice for assessment has been issued.
(The above sub-section (3A) is inserted by the Maharashtra Act No. XXV of 2007 Dt. 06.08.2007)
(4) Where the Commissioner has reason to believe that a dealer is liable to pay tax in respect of any period, but has failed to apply for registration or has failed to apply for registration within the time as required by or under this Act, the Commissioner may at any time within five years from the end of the year in which such period occurs, after giving the dealer a reasonable opportunity of being heard, proceed to assess, to the best of his judgement, where necessary, the amount of tax, if any, due from the dealer in respect of that period, and any period or periods subsequent thereto:
Provided that, no order of assessment under this sub-section shall be made after the expiry of eight years from the end of the said financial year containing the said period.
(5)(a) During the course of any proceedings under section 64, in case of any dealer or person, if the prescribed authority is satisfied that tax has been sought to be evaded in respect of any period or periods by not recording or recording in an incorrect manner, any transaction of sale or purchase, or that anyclaim has been incorrectly made, then in such a case notwithstanding that any notice for assessment has been issued under other provisions of this section or any other section of this Act, the prescribed authority may, after giving such dealer or person a notice in the prescribed form and a reasonable opportunity of being heard, initiate assessment of the dealer or person in respect of such transaction or claim.
(b) During the course of any proceedings under Sec. 64 if the prescribed authority is satisfied that the tax has been or is sought to be evaded, as provided under clause (i) by any dealer or person, the said authority may, after issuing a notice in the prescribed form and after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard to such dealer or person proceed to assess such dealer or person as provided in clause (i) inrespect of any such transaction or claim relating to any period or periods and such authority shall, notwithstanding anything contained in section 59, be deemed to have the requisite jurisdiction and power to assess such dealer or person in respect of such transaction of sale or purchase or claim, covered by clause (i) and such assessment proceedings shall for all purposes of this Act, be deemed to have been transferred to such authority.
(c) The assessment proceedings under this sub-section shall be without prejudice to the assessment proceedings in respect of the said period or periods under any other provisions of this Act by any authority who otherwise has the jurisdiction to assess such dealer or person in respect of other transactions of sale or purchase or any other claim which are not covered by clause (i) and clause (ii).
(d) The assessment under this sub-section shall be made separately in respect of the transaction or claim relating to the said period or periods to the best of the judgement of the prescribed authority where necessary and irrespective of any assessment made underthissub-section, the dealer may be assessed separately under the other provisions of this section in respect of the said period or periods.
Provided that once the dealer or person is assessed under this sub-section, no tax from such transaction or claim and penalty and interest, if any, consequent upon such tax shall be levied or demanded from such dealer or person, at the time of assessment to tax under the other provisions of this section in respect of the said period or periods relating to such transaction or claim. ”
(6) If the Commissioner is of the opinion that, in respect of any period covered by a return, any turnover of sales or of purchases has not been disclosed, or that tax has been paid at a lesser rate, set-off has been wrongly claimed, or deduction has been wrongly claimed, then notwithstanding anything contained in section 21 or the other provisions of this section Commissioner may at any time within five years from the end of the year containing the said period, serve a notice in the prescribed form on the dealer and proceed to assess him in respect of the said period after giving him a reasonable opportunity of being heard:
Provided that the assessment order shall be passed, by the Commissioner to the best of his judgment, where necessary, within the said period of six years from the end of the uear containing the said period.
(2) Where a fresh assessment has to be made under this section to give effect to any finding or direction contained in any order made under this Act including an order made by the Tribunal or the High Court or the Supreme Court, then, notwithstanding anything contained in this section, such assessment shall be made within a period of thirty-six months from the date of communication of such finding or, direction contained in the order, as the case may be,to the Commissioner.
Provided that, if a certified copy of the said order is supplied by the dealer concerned to the Commissioner earlier than the said date of communication, then the period of thirty six months shall be counted from the date of the said supply.
(3) The Commissioner may call for the record of any matter and conduct an examination in respect of the same, in the manner as provided in sub-section (2), call for the books of accounts and other evidence in such matter and after hearing the dealer concerned pass an appropriate order of assessment in the matter notwithstanding the fact that in a similar matter, the Tribunal has given a decision against the State Government or the Commissioner, if in such matter the State Government or the Commissioner has already filed an appeal before the appropriate forum against the order of the Tribunal and such appeal is pending before such appropriate forum:
Provided that, no order of recovery of the dues including the penalty or interest or forfeiture shall be passed by the Commissioner or the State Government in such case, pending decision by such forum, in the matter, and on decision of the appropriate forum, the Commissioner shall modify the order in accordance with the order of such forum after giving the dealer concerned, an opportunity of being heard.
(4) The Commissioner, may on an application in the prescribed form made by any dealer, call for and examine the record of any proceeding in which an assessment is pending and if he considers that having regard to the nature of the case or the amount involved or for any other reason, it is necessary or expedient to do so, he may issue such directions as he thinks fit for the guidance of the assessing authority in charge of the case to enable him to complete the assessment and such directions shall be binding on the assessing authority :
Provided that, no direction which is prejudicial to the dealer shall he issued without giving the dealer a reasonable opportunity of being heard. However, no direction as to the lines on which any investigation connected with the assessment should be made shall be deemed to be a direction prejudicial to the dealer.
(5) A dealer or a person may be assessed under a single notice and by a single order of assessment in respect of more than one period covered by a return so long as all periods are comprised in one year.
(11) Where a dealer has been assessed under sub-section (2), (3) or (4) and he makes an application in the prescribed form to the Commissioner within thirty days of the date of service of the assessment order, for cancellation of the assessment on the ground that he had not been able to attend or remain present before the Commissioner at the time of hearing when the assessment order had been passed, the Commissioner shall, after verifying that the contention of the applicant is correct and that the prescribed conditions have been fulfilled, cancel, by order in writing, the said assessment including any penalty or interest levied in relation to or in consequence of the said assessment and shall make a fresh assessment in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (2), (3) or (4), including levy of interest or penalty, as the case may be :
Provided that, only one application for cancellation shall be entertained under this sub-section in respect of any period of assessment.
(12) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2), (3) or (4), the fresh order of assessment as provided under sub-section (11) may be passed before the expiry of a period of eighteen months from the date of service of the cancellation order.
(The above sub section (11) & (12) are inserted by the Maharashtra Act No. XXXII of 2006 Dt. 05.08.2006)
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