3. Works contract.

3. Works contract.

(1) In the case of turnover arising from the execution of a works contract, the amount included in taxable turnover is the total consideration paid or payable to the dealer under the contract and exclude –
(i) the charges towards labour, services and other like charges; and
(ii) the charges towards cost of land, if any, in civil works contracts, subject to the dealer’s maintaining proper records such as invoice, voucher, challan or any other document evidencing payment of above referred charges to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.
Explanation. – The term “civil works contracts” for the purpose of this rule shall include construction of building or complexes - residential or commercial, bridges, flyovers, dams, barriers, canals, diversions, other works of similar nature, and the collaboration agreements or joint development agreements or similar other agreements/arrangements between the land-owner(s) and the contractor(s) /builder(s)/ developers/ collaborators/ similar other persons by whatever name called for construction of complex or property.
(1A) In case the civil works contract mentioned in sub-rule (1) are of the nature wherein the agreement executed between the land owner(s) and contractor(s) or similar other agreements/arrangements is of the nature of collaboration or joint development where the contractor(s) constructs the building/units and consideration for the construction is given by the land owner in the form of share in the land with or without additional money exchange, the value of works contract carried out by the contractor(s) for the land owner shall be highest of the following amounts:
(i) Actual value of construction, including profit, transferred by the contractor to the land-owner in accordance with the books of accounts maintained by the contractor.
(ii) Where proportionate land is transferred by the land-owner to the contractor by executing a separate conveyance/sale deed, the value stated in the deed for the purpose of payment of stamp duty as reduced by consideration paid by the contractor to the land owner through account payee cheque/ draft/ pay order/ electronic transfer, if any.
(iii) On the basis of circle rate of proportionate area of land transferred by the land-owner to the contractor in accordance with the notification under Delhi (Prevention of Under Valuation of Instruments) Rules, 2007 as amended from time to time (hereinafter referred as “circle rates”) prevailing at the time of execution of agreement between them, as reduced by the consideration paid by contractor to the land-owner through account payee cheque/draft/pay order/electronic transfer, if any.
PROVIDED that where separate circle rates for land and construction have not been notified in respect of certain buildings or properties, then circle rate for land and construction prevailing in that locality for other buildings or properties, in respect of which separate circle rates have been notified, shall be taken for the purpose of determination of value under this sub-rule.
PROVIDED FURTHER that the value of works contract under this sub-rule shall not be less than the circle rate of construction applicable on the date on which agreement between the land-owner and the contractor for the construction of property was executed.
Explanations:- 1.- The term “contractor” for the purpose of this sub-rule shall include the builders, developers, collaborators and similar other persons by whatever name called.
2.- The taxable turnover in relation to contractor’s share of construction for activity carried on by him for the intended purchaser shall be calculated separately as per sub rule (1) of this rule.
(1B) In case of works contract falling under sub-rule (1A), tax shall be payable at the time of incorporation of goods in the execution of works contract by the contractor.
(2) For the purpose of sub-rule (1), the charges towards labour, services and other like charges shall include-
(i) labour charges for execution of works;
(ii) charges for planning and architects fees;
(iii) charges for obtaining on hire or otherwise machinery and tools used for the execution of the works contract;
(iv) cost of consumables such as water, electricity, fuel, etc. used in the execution of the works contract, the property in which is not transferred in the course of execution of a works contract;
(v) cost of establishment of the contractor including cost of marketing, finance expenses and securities deposits to the extent it is relatable to supply of labour and services;
(vi) other similar expenses relatable to supply of labour and services;
(vii) profits earned by the contractor to the extent it is relatable to supply of labour and services subject to furnishing of a profit and loss account of the works sites:
PROVIDED that where amount of charges towards labour, services and other like charges are not ascertainable from the books of accounts of the dealer, the amount of such charges shall be calculated at the percentages specified in the following table :- 





Type of contract

Labour, service and other like charges are

percentage of total value of the contract


Fabrication and installation                  of  plant and machinery.

Twenty five percent


Fabrication and erection of structural works of iron and steel including fabrication, supply and erection of iron trusses, purloins and the like

Fifteen percent



Fabrication and installation of cranes and hoists.

Fifteen percent



Fabrication and installation of elevators (lifts) and escalators

Fifteen percent



Fabrication and installation of rolling shutters and collapsible gates.

Fifteen percent



Civil works

Twenty five percent


Installation of doors, doorframes, windows,frames and grills

Twenty  percent


Supply and fixing of tiles, slabs, stones and sheets

Twenty  percent


Supply and installation of air conditioners and air coolers

Twenty  percent


Supply and installation of air conditioningequipment including deep freezers, cold storage plants, humidification plants and de-humidors

Fifteen percent



Supply and fitting of electrical goods, supply and installation of electrical equipments including transformers.

Fifteen percent



Supply and fixing of furniture and fixtures,partitions including contracts for interior decoration and false ceiling

Twenty percent



Construction of Railway coaches and wagons on under carriages supplied by Railway.

Twenty percent



Construction or mounting of bodies of motor

vehicle and construction of trailers

Twenty percent



Sanitary fitting for plumbing and drainage or


Twenty five percent



Laying underground surface pipelines, cables or  conduits.


Thirty percent


Dyeing and printing of textiles

Thirty percent


Supply and erection of weighing machines and weighbridges.

Fifteen percent


Painting, polishing and white washing


Thirty percent



Fifty Percent


Textile processing such as dying, fabrication,

tailoring, embroidery and other similar activities where textile is supplied by the contractee


Fifty Percent


Electro plating, electro galvanizing, anodizing, powder coating and other similar activities

Fifty Percent


Re-treading of old tyres


Forty Percent



All other contracts not specified from Sl. No. 1 to 23 above

Twenty percent


* Twenty five percent of total value of the contract, excluding the cost of land transferred, if any, as determined under this Rule. (3) For the purpose of sub-rule (1), the cost of land, if any, in a civil works contract carried on by the builder for the intended purchaser, shall be determined in the following manner:
(a) Where separate conveyance/sale deed of the land has been executed between the builder and the intended purchaser, the consideration amount of land stated in that deed;
(b) Where separate conveyance/sale deed of the land has not been executed for transfer of land between the builder and the intended purchaser, then the value of land in the value of composite works contract inclusive of land may be arrived at on any of the following basis:-
(i) Where proportionate land is transferred by the land-owner to the builder by executing a conveyance/sale deed: On the basis of rate of land arrived at from such deed for the purpose of payment of stamp duty.
(ii) Where clause (i) is not applicable, on the basis of rate of land arrived at by adding the amount paid by the builder through account payee cheque/draft/pay order/electronic transfer to the land-owner towards the land rights and value of construction transferred by the builder to the land-owner determined as per sub-rule (1A). To illustrate, land-owner and builder enter into an agreement, where builder would build four units, which would be shared equally between them. In addition, builder pays Rs.1 crore to the land owner. Total construction cost for four flats is Rs.4 crores. Here, builder transfers the value of construction worth Rs. 2 crores [Rs.4 crores divided by two, since 50% share in the construction is transferred to the land-owner]. In this case, value of land transferred by the landowner is: Rs.1 crore + Rs.2 crores = Rs.3 crores; and total value of land transferred by the builder to the intended purchasers for his share of the land shall also be Rs.3 crores (Rs. 1.5 crs. per flat if there are two intended purchasers).
(iii) In all other cases where clauses (i) and (ii) are not applicable, the value of land shall be determined on the basis of notified circle rates of land prevailing at the time of execution of agreement between the builder and the intended purchaser.
PROVIDED that where separate circle rates for land and construction have not been notified in respect of certain properties, then circle rate for land and construction prevailing in that locality for other properties in respect of which separate circle rates have been notified, shall be taken for the purpose of determination of value under this sub-rule.
PROVIDED FURTHER that where land has been valued at circle rate and the value of conveyance/sale deed with the intended purchaser exceeds the circle rate, then the difference between the two shall be proportionately divided between the value of land and the works contract (comprising material and services). For example, in case of composite works contract, circle rate of land is Rs.2 crore and circle rate of construction is Rs.1 crore respectively, and the consolidated value of sale deed (inclusive of land and cost of construction) is Rs.3.60 crores. Difference of Rs.0.60 crore shall be divided in the ratio of 2:1; and thus, value of land for the purpose of this sub-rule shall be Rs.2.40 crores.
Explanation 1: The term “Builder” for the purpose of this sub-rule means the person who undertakes the construction of property, either as owner of the land or under an agreement of power of attorney with the land owner or under some other arrangement, and transfers the property to some other person before completion of construction for a consideration, which may be received by the builder either as a composite sum or under separate agreements for land and construction. The term “builder” shall also include the land-owner(s) who transfers the property to the intended purchaser before completion of construction.
Explanation 2: The term “intended purchaser” for the purpose of this subrule means the person who agrees to buy the property before completion of construction and pays the consideration, in full or part, before such completion. Explanation 3: For the purpose of this sub-rule, construction shall be deemed to be completed at the time of issuance of completion certificate by the competent authority, or at the time and in the manner notified by the Government for this purpose.
(c) In the case of works contract of civil nature where the payment of charges towards the cost of land, if any, is not ascertainable in accordance with the preceding clauses of this sub-rule, the amount of such charges shall be calculated @ 30% of the total value of the contract except in the case of construction of commercial buildings or complexes where it shall be calculated @ 50% of the total value of the contract.
(d) In the case of works contract of civil nature where only a part of the total constructed area is being transferred, the charges towards the cost of land shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis through the following formula: Proportionate super area X Value of land as determined in this sub-rule Total plot area X Floor Area Ratio
Explanation 1.- Proportionate super area for the purpose of this clause means the covered area booked for transfer and the proportionate common constructed area attributable to it.
Explanation 2.- Floor Area Ratio = Total constructed area/ Total plot Area (4) In the case of works contract of civil nature where only a part of total constructed area is being transferred, the deduction towards labour, services and other like charges mentioned in sub-rule (2) and input tax credit under section 9 shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis.
(5) Where an agreement is executed by the builder with the intended purchaser before completion of construction as referred in sub-rule (3),
(i) total value of agreement, as reduced by cost of land, and amount of labour, services and like charges, determined in accordance with this Rule, shall be deemed to be taxable turnover of sale;
(ii) tax shall be payable at the time of receipt of consideration, in whatever form or manner, from the intended purchaser in relation to (i) above;
(iii) the builder shall be eligible to deduct labour, services, other like charges in relation to (i) above in the tax period when output tax becomes payable; and
(iv) the builder may claim input tax credit under section 9 in relation to turnover of sale stated in
(i) above in that tax period on the basis of separate books of accounts maintained for that property.] 



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