951/11/2011-CX, Dated:26/08/2011

Change of designation of officers representing CBEC in the CESTAT

Circular No. 951/12/2011 -CX
F. No. 390/Misc./80/2011-JC
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
 (Central Board of Excise & Customs)


New Delhi, dated the 26th   August, 2011

1.  All Chief Commissioners and Director Generals under the Central Board of   Excise and Customs.
2.  CDR, Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal.
3.  All Commissioners of Customs / Central Excise/ Service Tax / All Joint Chief Departmental Representatives
4.  Joint Secretary (Admn), CBEC, Joint Secretary (Revenue-HQ), D/Revenue.
5.  Registrar, CESTAT, New Delhi, Deputy/Assistant Registrar,CESTAT, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Bangalore & Kolkata.
Sub:- Change of designation of officers representing CBEC in the CESTAT
Sir / Madam,

With the approval of the Competent Authority it has been decided to re-designate the officers representing the Department before the Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT) with immediate effect. The new designations will be as follows:-

  Rank of the officer Present Designation New Designation
(i) Chief Commissioner CDR Chief Commissioner (A.R.)
(ii) Commissioner Jt. CDR Commissioner (A.R.)
(iii)a) Addl. Commissioner SDR Addl. Commissioner (A.R.)
      b) Joint Commissioner SDR Joint Commissioner (A.R.)
(iv)a) Deputy Commissioner JDR Deputy Commissioner (A.R.)
    b) Assistant Commissioner JDR Assistant Commissioner (A.R.)
    c) Superintendent          JDR Superintendent  (A.R.)
    d) Appraiser JDR Appraiser (A.R.)

2.       The abbreviation (A.R.) stands for (Authorised Representative).

3.       The change in designations may be brought to the notice of the officers working
               under your charge for use in future correspondence.

4.       Hindi version follows.

(Sunil K Sinha)

Director (Judicial Cell)

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