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(To be Published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-II, Section - 3, Sub-Section (ii))
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Udyog Bhawan
Notification No 75 (RE – 2010)/2009-2014
New Delhi, Dated : 20th September, 2011
Subject:- Removal of ban on export of Onions.
S.O. (E) In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992) read with Para 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-2014, the Central Government amends Notification No. 73(RE-2010)/2009-14 dated 09.09.2011 with immediate effect as follows.
Chapter 7
Edible Vegetables and Certain Roots and Tubers
Note 1 Reference to onions in this chapter includes onions fresh or chilled frozen, provisionally preserved or dried.
S.No. | Tariff Item HS Code | Unit | Item Description | Export Policy | Nature of Restriction |
44.01 | 0703 10 10 0712 20 00 |
Kg | Onions (all varieties except Bangalore Rose onions and Krishnapuram onions) excluding cut, sliced or broken in powder form. | STE* | Export permitted subject to Minimum Export Price(MEP) of US$ 475 per Metric Ton or as notified by DGFT from time-to-time. |
44.02 | 0703 10 10 0712 20 00 |
Kg | Bangalore Rose onions and Krishnapuram onions excluding cut, sliced or broken in powder form | STE* | Export permitted subject to Minimum Export Price(MEP) of US$ 475 per Metric Ton or as notified by DGFT from time-to-time.. |
44.03 | 0712 20 00 | Kg | Onions( of all varieties) in cut, sliced- or broken in powder form. | Free |
* List of STEs would be as per Serial No. 2 of Notification No. 51(RE-2007) /2004-09 dated 14.11.2007.
2. Effect of this notification:
The prohibition on export of onions is withdrawn and export of all varieties of onions is now allowed.
(Anup K. Pujari)
Director General of Foreign Trade
(Issued from File No. 01/91/180/922/AM’08/PC-III/Export Cell)