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Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi-110011
Policy Circular No. 42 (RE-2010)/2009-14 Dated: 21 October, 2011
All Regional Authorities
Subject:- Eligibility of export product “Technical Textiles” listed at FPS Product Code 33, Table-4, Appendix 37D of HBPv1 – reg.
Sr. No. 33, Table-4, Appendix 37D of HBPv1 allows FPS benefit to products covered under ITC HS Code 5407 with description “Technical Textiles – Woven Fabrics of Synthetic Filament Yarn”. References have been received from the Regional Authorities seeking clarification on coverage of products classified under ITC HS Code 5407 for FPS benefit.
2. The matter has been examined. It is decided that a technical textile is a textile product manufactured for non-aesthetic purposes, where function is the primary criterion. Technical textiles include textiles for automotive applications, medical textiles, geotextiles, agrotextiles and protective clothing like heat and radiation protection for fire fighter clothing, molten metal protection for welders, stab protection and bulletproof vests and spacesuits etc. Accordingly, only 33 items as listed in the Annexure are covered under technical textiles.
3. It has, therefore, been decided to allow FPS benefits to export products listed in the Annexure to this Policy Circular under category of “Technical Textiles”. This list is applicable for exports made w.e.f. 1.4.2011 and any FPS benefit granted to products other than those listed in Annexure to this Circular for exports made w.e.f. 1.4.2011 would need to be recovered from the exporters.
4. All RAs are advised to consider claims accordingly.5. This issues with approval of DGFT.
Effect of this Policy Circular:
Only 33 items are eligible to get FPS benefit under heading “Technical Textiles” as per Sr.No.33, of Table 4, Appendix 37D of HBPv1. The list of 33 items, so eligible, is in the Annexure to this Policy Circular and this list is applicable for export made with effect from 01.04.2011.
(Hardeep Singh)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade