81(RE-2010)/2009-10, Dated: 21/10/2011

Conditions for issue of import licenses of Rough Marble Blocks for the balance quantity for Financial year 2011-12

Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Notification No. 81(RE-2010)/2009-2014
New Delhi, Dated: 21st October, 2011

Sub.:  Conditions for issue of import licenses of Rough Marble Blocks for the balance quantity for Financial year 2011-12.
S.O. (E)      In exercise of powers conferred under section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development  and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, the Central Government hereby notifies the conditions for allocation of balance quantity that remains unallocated.
2.     Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 stipulated the conditions and modalities for allocation of quota of 5 lakh MT’s of Rough Marble blocks . Allocation was made vide Trade notice no 16 of 17th August 2011.Some balance quantity has become available due to rejection of some applications. This quantity to be allocated now will follow the same procedure and same eligibility criteria. Applicable dates for various events will, however, be different.
3.   Allocation will be subject to following conditions:
(a) The eligibility criteria will be as mentioned in Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011(no change in eligibility).
(b) Applicants who had applied and had been allocated quantity vide Trade notice no 16 of 17th August 2011 or whose application had been rejected by RA’s after scrutiny of documents will not be eligible to apply.
(c) Applicants whose name  are in DEL will not be eligible to apply.
(d) Applicants will be required to send e-mail in the format prescribed in Annexure 2 to Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 at marbleimport2011-dgft@nic.in.E-mails received prior to 1000hrs on 24th October 2011 and after 1700 hrs on 28th October 2011 will not be considered for allocation .
(e) The only change from the earlier notification no 64 of 4th August 2011 is that documents are to be submitted at HQ office of DGFT. Therefore hard copy of the application alongwith documents as prescribed in Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 will need to be submitted to DGFT office at Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi by 1700 hours on 28th October 2011, before the allocation is made to eligible applicants. Hard copies of complete application not received by 1700 hours in DGFT office on 28th October 2011 will not be considered for allocation.
4.   It is reiterated that all conditions mentioned in Notification no 64 dated 4th August 2011 will remain unchanged except (a) respective dates for the events and (b) submission of hard copy of documents(which needs to be submitted at the HQ office of DGFT and not at the respective RA as was the case earlier).

(Anup K. Pujari)
Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: dgft@nic.in

81(RE-2010)/2009-10, Dated: 21/10/2011

Conditions for issue of import licenses of Rough Marble Blocks for the balance quantity for Financial year 2011-12

Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Notification No. 81(RE-2010)/2009-2014
New Delhi, Dated: 21st October, 2011

Sub.:  Conditions for issue of import licenses of Rough Marble Blocks for the balance quantity for Financial year 2011-12.
S.O. (E)      In exercise of powers conferred under section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development  and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, the Central Government hereby notifies the conditions for allocation of balance quantity that remains unallocated.
2.     Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 stipulated the conditions and modalities for allocation of quota of 5 lakh MT’s of Rough Marble blocks . Allocation was made vide Trade notice no 16 of 17th August 2011.Some balance quantity has become available due to rejection of some applications. This quantity to be allocated now will follow the same procedure and same eligibility criteria. Applicable dates for various events will, however, be different.
3.   Allocation will be subject to following conditions:
(a) The eligibility criteria will be as mentioned in Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011(no change in eligibility).
(b) Applicants who had applied and had been allocated quantity vide Trade notice no 16 of 17th August 2011 or whose application had been rejected by RA’s after scrutiny of documents will not be eligible to apply.
(c) Applicants whose name  are in DEL will not be eligible to apply.
(d) Applicants will be required to send e-mail in the format prescribed in Annexure 2 to Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 at marbleimport2011-dgft@nic.in.E-mails received prior to 1000hrs on 24th October 2011 and after 1700 hrs on 28th October 2011 will not be considered for allocation .
(e) The only change from the earlier notification no 64 of 4th August 2011 is that documents are to be submitted at HQ office of DGFT. Therefore hard copy of the application alongwith documents as prescribed in Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 will need to be submitted to DGFT office at Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi by 1700 hours on 28th October 2011, before the allocation is made to eligible applicants. Hard copies of complete application not received by 1700 hours in DGFT office on 28th October 2011 will not be considered for allocation.
4.   It is reiterated that all conditions mentioned in Notification no 64 dated 4th August 2011 will remain unchanged except (a) respective dates for the events and (b) submission of hard copy of documents(which needs to be submitted at the HQ office of DGFT and not at the respective RA as was the case earlier).

(Anup K. Pujari)
Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: dgft@nic.in

81(RE-2010)/2009-10, Dated: 21/10/2011

Conditions for issue of import licenses of Rough Marble Blocks for the balance quantity for Financial year 2011-12

Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Notification No. 81(RE-2010)/2009-2014
New Delhi, Dated: 21st October, 2011

Sub.:  Conditions for issue of import licenses of Rough Marble Blocks for the balance quantity for Financial year 2011-12.
S.O. (E)      In exercise of powers conferred under section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development  and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, the Central Government hereby notifies the conditions for allocation of balance quantity that remains unallocated.
2.     Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 stipulated the conditions and modalities for allocation of quota of 5 lakh MT’s of Rough Marble blocks . Allocation was made vide Trade notice no 16 of 17th August 2011.Some balance quantity has become available due to rejection of some applications. This quantity to be allocated now will follow the same procedure and same eligibility criteria. Applicable dates for various events will, however, be different.
3.   Allocation will be subject to following conditions:
(a) The eligibility criteria will be as mentioned in Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011(no change in eligibility).
(b) Applicants who had applied and had been allocated quantity vide Trade notice no 16 of 17th August 2011 or whose application had been rejected by RA’s after scrutiny of documents will not be eligible to apply.
(c) Applicants whose name  are in DEL will not be eligible to apply.
(d) Applicants will be required to send e-mail in the format prescribed in Annexure 2 to Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 at marbleimport2011-dgft@nic.in.E-mails received prior to 1000hrs on 24th October 2011 and after 1700 hrs on 28th October 2011 will not be considered for allocation .
(e) The only change from the earlier notification no 64 of 4th August 2011 is that documents are to be submitted at HQ office of DGFT. Therefore hard copy of the application alongwith documents as prescribed in Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 will need to be submitted to DGFT office at Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi by 1700 hours on 28th October 2011, before the allocation is made to eligible applicants. Hard copies of complete application not received by 1700 hours in DGFT office on 28th October 2011 will not be considered for allocation.
4.   It is reiterated that all conditions mentioned in Notification no 64 dated 4th August 2011 will remain unchanged except (a) respective dates for the events and (b) submission of hard copy of documents(which needs to be submitted at the HQ office of DGFT and not at the respective RA as was the case earlier).

(Anup K. Pujari)
Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: dgft@nic.in

81(RE-2010)/2009-10, Dated: 21/10/2011

Conditions for issue of import licenses of Rough Marble Blocks for the balance quantity for Financial year 2011-12

Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Notification No. 81(RE-2010)/2009-2014
New Delhi, Dated: 21st October, 2011

Sub.:  Conditions for issue of import licenses of Rough Marble Blocks for the balance quantity for Financial year 2011-12.
S.O. (E)      In exercise of powers conferred under section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development  and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, the Central Government hereby notifies the conditions for allocation of balance quantity that remains unallocated.
2.     Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 stipulated the conditions and modalities for allocation of quota of 5 lakh MT’s of Rough Marble blocks . Allocation was made vide Trade notice no 16 of 17th August 2011.Some balance quantity has become available due to rejection of some applications. This quantity to be allocated now will follow the same procedure and same eligibility criteria. Applicable dates for various events will, however, be different.
3.   Allocation will be subject to following conditions:
(a) The eligibility criteria will be as mentioned in Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011(no change in eligibility).
(b) Applicants who had applied and had been allocated quantity vide Trade notice no 16 of 17th August 2011 or whose application had been rejected by RA’s after scrutiny of documents will not be eligible to apply.
(c) Applicants whose name  are in DEL will not be eligible to apply.
(d) Applicants will be required to send e-mail in the format prescribed in Annexure 2 to Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 at marbleimport2011-dgft@nic.in.E-mails received prior to 1000hrs on 24th October 2011 and after 1700 hrs on 28th October 2011 will not be considered for allocation .
(e) The only change from the earlier notification no 64 of 4th August 2011 is that documents are to be submitted at HQ office of DGFT. Therefore hard copy of the application alongwith documents as prescribed in Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 will need to be submitted to DGFT office at Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi by 1700 hours on 28th October 2011, before the allocation is made to eligible applicants. Hard copies of complete application not received by 1700 hours in DGFT office on 28th October 2011 will not be considered for allocation.
4.   It is reiterated that all conditions mentioned in Notification no 64 dated 4th August 2011 will remain unchanged except (a) respective dates for the events and (b) submission of hard copy of documents(which needs to be submitted at the HQ office of DGFT and not at the respective RA as was the case earlier).

(Anup K. Pujari)
Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: dgft@nic.in

81(RE-2010)/2009-10, Dated: 21/10/2011

Conditions for issue of import licenses of Rough Marble Blocks for the balance quantity for Financial year 2011-12

Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Notification No. 81(RE-2010)/2009-2014
New Delhi, Dated: 21st October, 2011

Sub.:  Conditions for issue of import licenses of Rough Marble Blocks for the balance quantity for Financial year 2011-12.
S.O. (E)      In exercise of powers conferred under section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development  and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, the Central Government hereby notifies the conditions for allocation of balance quantity that remains unallocated.
2.     Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 stipulated the conditions and modalities for allocation of quota of 5 lakh MT’s of Rough Marble blocks . Allocation was made vide Trade notice no 16 of 17th August 2011.Some balance quantity has become available due to rejection of some applications. This quantity to be allocated now will follow the same procedure and same eligibility criteria. Applicable dates for various events will, however, be different.
3.   Allocation will be subject to following conditions:
(a) The eligibility criteria will be as mentioned in Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011(no change in eligibility).
(b) Applicants who had applied and had been allocated quantity vide Trade notice no 16 of 17th August 2011 or whose application had been rejected by RA’s after scrutiny of documents will not be eligible to apply.
(c) Applicants whose name  are in DEL will not be eligible to apply.
(d) Applicants will be required to send e-mail in the format prescribed in Annexure 2 to Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 at marbleimport2011-dgft@nic.in.E-mails received prior to 1000hrs on 24th October 2011 and after 1700 hrs on 28th October 2011 will not be considered for allocation .
(e) The only change from the earlier notification no 64 of 4th August 2011 is that documents are to be submitted at HQ office of DGFT. Therefore hard copy of the application alongwith documents as prescribed in Notification number 64 of 4th August 2011 will need to be submitted to DGFT office at Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi by 1700 hours on 28th October 2011, before the allocation is made to eligible applicants. Hard copies of complete application not received by 1700 hours in DGFT office on 28th October 2011 will not be considered for allocation.
4.   It is reiterated that all conditions mentioned in Notification no 64 dated 4th August 2011 will remain unchanged except (a) respective dates for the events and (b) submission of hard copy of documents(which needs to be submitted at the HQ office of DGFT and not at the respective RA as was the case earlier).

(Anup K. Pujari)
Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: dgft@nic.in

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