All areas of taxation : Personal Tax, Corporate Tax. | Suggesting legal structure of business entities. | Transactional advisory - optimal deal structure | T
GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND TAXES (POLICY BRANCH) VYAPAR BHAWAN, I.P. ESTATE, NEW DELHI – 110 002 No.F.7(420)/Policy/VAT/2011/1186 Dated : 23.01.2012 CIRCULAR NO. 16 OF 2011-12 Sub. : Filing of online returns for the tax periods December 2011 & third quarter 2011-12 In order to facilitate the filing of online DVAT/CST Returns, in exercise of the powers conferred under rule 49A of the DVAT Rules, 2005, the last date for online filing of returns for the tax periods December, 2011 and third quarter 2011-12 is extended upto 10.02.2012. The last date for filing of hard copy of the returns for the tax periods December, 2011 and third quarter 2011-12 is also extended upto 13.02.2012. However, the tax due for the above mentioned period shall be deposited as per the provisions of Section 3(4) of the DVAT Act, 2004. Penalty on late deposit of tax due shall be imposed as applicable. (Rajendra Kumar) Commissioner (VAT) No.F.7(420)/Policy/VAT/2011/1186 Dated : 23.01.2012 Copy to :- 1 PS to the Commissioner, VAT, Department of Trade and Taxes. 2 All Special / Additional / Joint Commissioners, Department of Trade and Taxes. 3. All VATOs/AVATOs of Wards of Operations through Zonal Joint/Additional Commissioners, Department of Trade and Taxes. 4. Dy. Director (Policy), Department of Trade and Taxes. 5. All VATOs/AVATOs Front Office/CRC Cell/PR Branch/TPS/Legal Service Cell/CFC, Policy Branch, Department of Trade and Taxes. 6 Programmer (EDP), Department of Trade & Taxes, with the request to upload the circular on the website of the department. 7 President/Secretary, Sales Tax Bar Association (Regd.), Vyapar Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi. 8 Guard File. (H.K. Bhardwaj) AVATO (Policy) |
All areas of taxation : Personal Tax, Corporate Tax. | Suggesting legal structure of business entities. | Transactional advisory - optimal deal structure | T
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