All areas of taxation : Personal Tax, Corporate Tax. | Suggesting legal structure of business entities. | Transactional advisory - optimal deal structure | T
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[TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, EXTRAORDINARY, PART SECTION MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS Notification New Delhi dated the 7 G.S.R. 872 (E). read with clause (d) of sub 1956), and in supersession of the Cost Accounting Records (Sugar) amended Rules, 1997 vide G.S.R. 388(E), dated the 15 Alcohol) Rules, 1997 vide G.S.R. 532(E), dated the 17 respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely: 1. Records (Sugar Industry) Rules, 2011. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. (a) “Act” means the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956); (b) signed by a cost accountant in the specified form of compliance report; (c) “Cost Accountant” for the purpose of these rules means defined in clause (b) of sub Accountants Act, 1959 (23 of 1959) and who is either a permanent employee of the company or holds a valid certificate of practice under sub section 6 and who is deemed to be in practice under sub 2 of that Act and includes a firm of cost accountants; (d) “Cost Accounting Standards” means the standards of cost accounting, issued by the Institute; (e) “cost records” means books of account relating to utilisation of materials, labour and other items of cost as applicable to the production, processing, manufacturing or mining activities of the company; (f) “Form and other documents with the Central Government in the electronic mode; (g) “Form the compliance report; ‐ (h) “Generally Accepted Cost Accounting Principles” means the principles of cost accounting issued by the Institute; (i) “Institute” means the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India constituted under the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 (23 of 1959); (j) “product” means any tangible or intangible good, material, substance, article, idea, know human, mechanical, industrial, chemical, or natural act, process, procedure, function, operation, technique, or treatment and is intended for use, consumption, sale, transport, store, delivery or disposal; (k) “product group” in relation to tangible products means a group of homogenous and alike products, produced from same raw materials and by using similar or same production process, having similar physical or chemical characteristics and common unit of measurement, and having same or similar usage or application; and in relation to intangible products means a group of homogenous and alike products or services, produced by using similar or same process or inputs, having similar characteristics and common unit of measurement, and having same or similar usage or application; (l) “sugar activities” means the activities relating to the production, processing, or manufacturing of any form or grade of sugar, molasses, or alcohol (including ethyl alcohol, rectified spirit, absolute alcohol, denatured alcohol, power alcohol, or solvent blends etc. but excluding potable alcohol) by using any raw materials, and includes the meaning assigned to them under Chapter 17 or Chapter 22 of the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 (5 of 1986) or of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975), and further includes the intermediate products and articles or allied products thereof; (m) “turnover” means total turnover made by the company from the sale or supply of all products or services during the financial year and it includes any turnover from job work or loan license operations and the subsidies or grants or incentives received but does not include any non (n) all other words and expressions used in these rules but not defined, and defined in the Act and rules made under clause (d) of sub 209 of the Act shall have the same meanings as assigned to them in the Act or rules, as the case may be. 3. as defined under section 591 of the Act, which is engaged in the production, processing, or manufacturing of sugar activities and wherein, the aggregate value of net worth as on the last date of the immediately preceding financial year exceeds five crores of rupees; or wherein the aggregate value of the turnover made by the company from sale or supply of all products or activities during the immediately preceding financial year exceeds twenty crores of rupees; or wherein the company’s ‐ equity or debt securities are listed or are in the process of listing on any stock exchange, whether in India or outside India: Provided that these rules shall not apply to a body corporate governed by any special Act. 4. units and branches thereof shall, in respect of each of its financial year commencing on or after the date of this notification, keep cost records and the books of account so maintained shall contain, inter mentioned in the Schedule annexed to these rules. (2) The cost records referred to in sub such manner so as to make it possible to calculate per unit cost of production or cost of operations, cost of sales and margin for each of its products and activities for every financial year on monthly or quarterly or half annual basis. (3) The cost records shall be maintained in accordance with the generally accepted cost accounting principles and cost accounting standards issued by the Institute; to the extent these are found to be relevant and applicable and the variations, if any, shall be clearly indicated and explained. (4) The cost records shall be maintained in such manner so as to enable the company to exercise, as far as possible, control over the various operations and costs with a view to achieve optimum economies in utilization of resources and these records shall also provide necessary data which is required to be furnished under these rules. (5) All such cost records and cost statements, maintained under these rules shall be reconciled with the audited financial statements for the financial year specifically indicating expenses or incomes not considered in the cost records or statements so as to ensure accuracy and to reconcile the profit of all product groups with the overall profit of the company and the variations, if any, shall be clearly indicated and explained. (6) All such cost records, cost statements and reconciliation statements, maintained under these rules, financial years immediately preceding a financial year or where the company had been in existence for a period less than eight years, in respect of all the preceding years shall be kept in good order. (7) Every person, referred to in sub Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), shall take all reasonable steps to secure compliance by the company with the provisions of these rules in the same manner as he is liable to maintain accounts required under sub section 209 of the said Act. ‐ 5. submit a compliance report, in respect of each of its financial year commencing on or after the date of this notification, duly certified by a Cost Accountant, along with the Annexure to the Central Government, in the specified form. 6. compliance report referred to in rule 5 to the Central Government within a period of one hundred and eighty the compliance report relates. 7. compliance report shall be approved by the Board of Directors and certified by the Cost Accountant before submitting the same to the Central Government by the company. 8. provisions of these rules, he shall be punishable with fine, which may extend to five thousand rupees. (2) For contravention of these rules, (a) the company shall be punishable as provided under sub section 642 of the Act; and (b) every officer thereof who is in default, including the persons referred to in sub under sub 1956). 9. 1997 and Cost Accounting Records (Industrial Alcohol) Rules, 1997, shall not in any way affect (a) any right, obligation or liabilities acquired, accrued or incurred thereunder; (b) any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any contravention committed thereunder; and (c) any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment as aforesaid, and; any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued or enforced and any such penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be imposed as if those rules had not been superseded. ‐ FORM documents with the Central Government [Pursuant to section 209(1)(d), 600(3)(b) of the Companies Act, 1956 and rule 2 of the Cost Accounting Records (Sugar Industry) Rules, 2011] PART I Note: All fields marked in * are to be mandatorily filled. 1 (a) *Corporate identity number (CIN) or foreign company registration number of the company Pre (b) Global location number (GLN) of company 2 (a) *Name of the company (b) *Address of the registered office or of the principal place of business in India of the company (c) *E 3 (a) *Financial year covered by the compliance report From (DD/MM/YYYY) To (DD/MM/YYYY) (b) *Date of Board of directors’ meeting in which annexure to the compliance report was approved (DD/MM/YYYY) 4. (a) *Category of the cost accountant Individual Cost accountant’s firm (b) In case of individual, whether the cost accountant is in permanent employment of the company or in practice In Employment In Practice (c) *Name of the cost accountant or the cost accountant’s firm who has certified the cost records of the company (d) *Income tax permanent account number of the cost accountant or the cost accountant’s firm ‐ (e) *Membership number of cost accountant or cost accountant’s firm’s registration number (f) Address of the cost accountant or cost accountant’s firm (i) Line I Line II (ii) City (iii) State (iv) Country (v) Pin Code (g) *E cost accountant’s firm 5. Sno. Name of the Product or Service Group Unit Annual Net Sales Production (Quantity) (Quantity) (Value in Rupees) A Produced or Manufactured Product 1. 2. 3. etc. B Services Groups 1. 2. 3. etc. C Trading Activities (Product Group 1. 2. 3. etc. D Other Income Total Income as per Financial Accounts PART Attachments: 1 Compliance report as per the Cost Accounting Records (Sugar Industry) Rules, 2011 Attach 2 Optional attachments(s) – if any List of attachments ‐ Remove attachment Verification: To the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in this form and its attachments is correct and complete. I have been authorised by the Board of directors’ resolution number dated to sign and submit this form. I am authorised to sign and submit this form. To be digitally signed by: Managing Director or director or manager or secretary (in case of an Indian company) or an authorised representative (in case of a foreign company) Digital Signatures *Designation *Director identification number of the director or Managing Director; or Income of the manager or of authorised representative; or Membership number, if applicable or income may quote his/her income Director of the company Digital Signatures Director identification number of the director Modify Check Form Pre This e on the basis of statement of correctness given by the filing company FORM FORM OF COMPLIANCE REPORT [See rule 2, and rule 5] ‐ I or We ........................................... being in permanent employment of the company or in practice, and having been appointed as cost accountant under Rule 5 of the Cost Accounting Records (Sugar Industry) Rules, 2011 of …........................................................... the company) office address of the company) books of account prescribed under clause (d) of sub other relevant records for the period/year ............................. certify as under: 1 I or We have or have not obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of my or our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of this compliance report. 2 In my or our opinion, proper cost records, as per the Cost Accounting Records (Sugar Industry) Rules, 2011 prescribed under clause (d) of sub 1956, have or have not been maintained by the company so as to give a true and fair view of the cost of production or operation, cost of sales and margin of all the products and activities of the company. 3 Detailed unit respect of the product groups or activities are or are not kept in the company. 4 In my or our opinion, the said books and records give or do not give the information required by the Companies Act, 1956 in the manner so required. 5 In my or our opinion, the said books and records are or are not in conformity with the generally accepted cost accounting principles and cost accounting standards issued by The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India, to the extent these are found to be relevant and applicable. Dated: this ____ day of _________ 20__ at _________________ ( signing this report SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF THE COST ACCOUNTANT (S) MEMBERSHIP NUMBER (S) NOTES: (i) Delete words not applicable. (ii) If as a result of the examination of the books of account, the cost accountant desires to point out any material deficiency or give a qualified report, he shall indicate the same against the relevant para. (iii) Briefly give your observations and suggestions, if any, relevant to the maintenance of cost accounting records by the company. ‐ (iv) Cost accountant may use separate sheet(s) for (ii) and (iii) above, if required. ANNEXURE TO THE COMPLIANCE REPORT [See rule 2 and rule 5] 1. GENERAL: a) Name of the company: b) Registered office address: c) Financial year to which the Compliance Report relates. 2. QUANTITATIVE INFORMATION: Sno. Name of the Product or Service Net Sales Group Unit Annual Production (Qty.) (Qty.) (Value in Rupees) A Produced or Manufactured Product Groups 1. 2. 3. etc. B Services Groups 1. 2. 3. etc. C Trading Activities (Product Groupwise) 1. 2. 3. etc. D Other Income Total Income as per Financial Accounts 3. RECONCILIATION STATEMENT: Net Margin (Profit or Loss) as per Cost Accounts (In Rupees) A. From Produced or Manufactured Product Groups B. From Services Groups C. From Trading Activities Total as per Cost Accounts Add: Incomes not considered in Cost Accounts (if any) Less: Expenses not considered in Cost Accounts (if any) Add/Less: Difference in Stock Valuation ‐ Profit or (Loss) as per Financial Accounts NOTES: (i) For produced or manufactured product groups, use the nomenclature as used in the Central Excise Act or Rules, as applicable. (ii) For services groups, use the nomenclature as used in the Finance Act or Central Service Tax Rules, as applicable. SIGNATURE NAME COST ACCOUNTANT (S) MEMBERSHIP NUMBER (S) SEAL DATE "SCHEDULE” [See rule 4] PROFORMA `A’ Statement showing Cost of Utilities like Water or Steam or Power etc. Name of the Company Name and address of the Factory or Unit Short Name and Code No. allotted by Directorate of Sugar Name of the Utility For the Period/Year A Quantitative Information Sno. Particulars Unit Current Year Previous Year 1 Installed Capacity 2 Quantity Produced 3 Capacity Utilization (%) 4 Quantity Re 5 Quantity Purchased, if any 6 Self Consumption including losses (to be specified) 7 Net Units Available B. Cost Information: Sno. Particulars Quantity Rate per Cost per Unit unit Amount Current Year Previous Year Unit Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 1 Materials Consumed (specify) ‐ Sno. Particulars Quantity Rate per Cost per Unit unit Amount Current Year Previous Year Unit Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Indigenous Imported Self Manufactured or Produced 2. Process Materials/ Chemicals (specify) 3. Utilities (specify): 4. Direct Employees Cost 5. Direct Expenses (specify) 6. Consumable Stores and Spares 7. Repairs and Maintenance 8. Depreciation 9. Lease Rent, if any 10. Other Overheads 11. Sub 12. Less: Credit, if any 13. Total cost (11 Apportionment: (cost centre 1. Cost Centre 1 2. Cost Centre 2 3. Cost Centre 3 Total PROFORMA ‘B’ Statement showing Cost of Sugarcane or Beet etc for Production of Sugar Name of the Company Name and address of the Factory or Unit Short Name and Code No. allotted by Directorate of Sugar Name of the Raw Material For the Period/Year A. Quantitative Information: Quantities (MT) Percentage of Loss in terms of purchased Quantity Sno. Particulars Purchased Received Loss or Driage if any 1. Material Received (specify) a) Own Farm b) Received at Gate c) Received at other location d) Total (a) to (c) ‐ B. Cost Information: Sno. Particulars Quantity MT Rate (Rupees) Amount (Rupees) 1. Sugarcane, Beet, etc. Cost a) Purchased at Fair and Remunerative Price(FRP) b) Purchased at State Advised Price (SAP) c) Purchased at any other rate (d)Transferred from Own Farm Total (a+b+c+d) 2. Cane Development Expenses 3. Cane Harvesting Charges 4. Cane Transportation Charges 5. Commission Paid 6. Expenditure at Cane Collection Centre a) Direct Employees Cost b) Direct Expenses (specify) c) Consumable Stores & Spares d) Repairs and Maintenance Total (a+b+c+d) 7. Loading and Unloading Charges 8. Taxes and Levies a) Cane Cess b) Purchase Tax c) Octroi d) Other Levies (specify) e) Total (a+b+c+d) 9. Stock adjustment ,if any a) Add: Opening Stock of Cane b) Less: Closing Stock of Cane 10. Cost of Material (specify) PROFORMA ‘C’ Statement showing Cost of Sugar Produced and Sold Name of the Company Name and address of the Factory or Unit Short Name and Code No. allotted by Directorate of Sugar Name of the Raw Material For the Period/Year A. Quantitative information: ‐ Sno. Particulars Unit Current Year Previous Year 1 Crushing Capacity Per day 2 Quantity of Material Crushed or Processed 3 Duration of Crushing or Processing Season From…………………… To…………………..…… No. of days…………….. 4 Average Sugar Content (% in cane) 5 Average Recovery of Sugar (% in cane) 6 Quantity of Sugar Produced 7 Quantity of Sugar Captively Consumed 8 Quantity of Sugar Sold a) At Levy or Controlled Price b) At Rate for Free Sale B Sno. Particulars Quantity Cost per MT (Rupees) Unit Rate (Rupees) Amount (Rupees) Current Year Previous Year 1. Materials Consumed a) Sugarcane or Beet or Raw sugar (indigenous or imported) b) Lime c) Sulphur d) Others (specify) e) Total (a+b+c+d) 2. Utilities(specify) 3. Direct Employees Cost a) Seasonal b) Off seasonal c) Retainer allowance 4. Direct Expenses 5. Consumable Stores and Spares 6. Repairs and Maintenance 7. Quality Control Expenses 8. Effluent Control Treatment 9. Research and Development 10. Technical Assistance and Know Fee or Royalty, if any 11. Depreciation or Amortization 12. Other Production Overheads 13. Total (1 to 12) 14. Add: Opening Stock Less: Closing Stock 15. Less Credits for by product or wastages or recoveries: a) Molasses: (i) For Internal Consumption (ii) Sales ‐ Sno. Particulars Quantity Cost per MT (Rupees) Unit Rate (Rupees) Amount (Rupees) Current Year Previous Year b) Bagasse (i) For Captive Consumption (ii) Sales c) Other Recoveries (specify) 16. Cost of Naked Sugar Produced 17. Packing Cost a) Bags b) HDPE or Poly Bags c) Other packing cost Total Packing Cost 18. Add: Opening Stock – Finished Goods Less: Closing Stock – Finished Goods 19. Finished Goods Purchased, if any 20. Total Cost (16 to 19) 21. Less: Cost of Packed Sugar Transferred for Captive or Self Consumption 22. Administrative Overheads 23. Selling & Distribution Overheads a) Freight and Transport charges b) Commission to Selling Agents c) Loading and unloading charges d) Others Total (a) to (d) 24. Interest and Financing Charges 25. Cost of Sales 26. Sales Realisation a) At levy or control price i) Gunny Bags ii) HDPE or poly bags b) At rates for free sales c) Total 27. Less Excise Duty and other Statutory Levies 28. Net Sales Realization(26 29. Margin (28 PROFORMA ‘D’ Statement showing Cost of Molasses transferred or procured and consumed for use in the manufacture of Alcohol Name of the Company Name and address of the Factory or Unit Short Name and Code No. allotted by Directorate of Sugar Name of the Product Consumed for Alcohol Manufacture ‐ For the Period/Year A. Cost Information: Sno. Particulars Quantity Cost Per MT (Rupees Unit Rate Rupees Amount Rupees Current Year Previous Year 1(a) Molasses Transferred from Own Sugar Factory, if any (Proforma C) (b) Purchases (specify grade wise) 2. Transport and Handling Charges 3. Excise Duty, if any, on Molasses (a) Transfer from Own Sugar Factory (b) Purchased Molasses 4. Other Expenses including Taxes, Fees (specify) 5. Less: Losses a) Transit Losses b) Storage Losses, if any c) Other Losses (specify) d) Total (a to c) 6. (a) Add: Opening Stock (b) Less: Closing Stock 7. Consumption transferred to Proforma F PROFORMA ‘E’ Statement showing Cost of various processing operations for Alcohol and their apportionment Name of the Company Name and address of the Factory or Unit Short Name and Code No. allotted by Directorate of Sugar Name of the Product For the Period/Year A. Quantitative Information Sno. Particulars Unit Current Year Previous Year 1. Installed Capacity 2 Batch Size 3. Number of Batches Produced 4. Quantity of Molasses Processed 5. (a) Alcohol Produced (specify alcohol content ___ %) K.Ltrs (b) Alcohol Produced in terms of 100% Alcohol K.Ltrs 6. Quantity used for Captive Consumption 7. Quantity Transferred to Sales 8. Total Sugar % in Molasses 9. Total Fermentable Sugar % in Molasses ‐ 10 Actual Recovery of Alcohol 11. Fermentation Efficiency % 12 Distillation Efficiency % 13. Blending Efficiency 14. Overall Efficiency B. Cost information process wise: Sno. Particulars Processing Centres Total Unit Fermenta tion Distillatio n Blending Others (specify) B. 1. 2. No. of Batches 3. Quantity Processed 4. Processing Hours C. 1. Process Chemicals or Operating Supplies (if any, specify) 2. Utilities (specify) 3. Direct Employees Cost 4. Direct Expenses 5. Consumable Stores and Spares 6. Repairs and Maintenance 7. Quality Control Expenses 8. Depreciation 9. Other Overheads 10 Total 11 Add :Opening Work Less: Closing Work 12. Total D. Distribution of Processing cost to Basis Qty Amount Types of Alcohol Produced: a) b) c) etc. PROFORMA ‘F’ Statement showing the cost of production or cost of sales of Industrial Alcohol Name of the Company Name and address of the Factory or Unit Short Name and Code No. allotted by Directorate of Sugar Name of the Product or Type For the Period/Year A. Quantitative Information: Sno. Particulars Unit Current Year Previous Year 1. Installed Capacity 2 Batch Size ‐ 3. No. of Batches Produced 4. Quantity of Molasses Processed 5. (a) Alcohol Produced (specify alcohol content ___%) K. Ltrs (b) Alcohol Produced in terms of 100% Alcohol K. Ltrs 6. Quantitative used for Captive Consumption 7. Quantity transferred to Sales 8. Total Sugar % in Molasses 9. Total Fermentable Sugar % in Molasses 10 Actual Recovery of Alcohol 11. Fermentation Efficiency % 12 Distillation Efficiency % 13. Blending Efficiency 14. Overall Efficiency B Sno. Particulars Quantity Cost per MT (Rupees) Unit Rate Rs./Unit Amount Rs. Current Year Previous Year 1. Materials Consumed Molasses a) Indigenous b) Imported c) Others (specify) d) Sub total 2. Process Materials/Chemicals a) Sulphuric Acid b) Caustic Soda c) Ammonium Sulphate d) Urea e) Yeast f) Others, if any 3. Processing Cost a) Fermentation b) Distillation c) Blending d) Others (specify) e) Total Processing cost 4. Testing Expenses 5. Quality Control Expenses 6. Research and Development expenses 7. Technical Assistance and Know or Royalty, if any 8. Depreciation or Amortization 9 Other Production Overheads 10 Total (1 to 8) 11. Add: Opening Stock Less: Closing Stock 12. Less Credits (from wastages and by products) or Recoveries, if any (specify item wise) ‐ Sno. Particulars Quantity Cost per MT (Rupees) Unit Rate Rs./Unit Amount Rs. Current Year Previous Year 13 Cost of Production 14. Add: Opening Stock – Finished Goods Less: Closing Stock – Finished Goods 15 Packing Cost a) Materials b) Others (specify) 16. Cost of Production (a) Packed Quantity (b) Unpacked Quantity 17 Add: Opening Stock – Packed Less: Closing Stock – Packed 18. Finished Goods Purchased, if any 19. Total cost of Packed Goods 20. Administrative Overheads 21. Selling and Distribution Overheads (a) Employee Cost (b) Freight and Transport Charges (c) Commission to Selling Agents (d) Royalty on Sales, if any (e) Others(specify) (f) Total ((a) to (e) 22 Interest and Financing Charges 23 Cost of Sales 24 Sales Realisation 25 Less Excise Duty and other Statutory Levies 26 Net Sales Realization (25 27 Margin (27 28 Sales Realization from customers (a) Sales Price (b) Less Dealer’s margin (c) Net 29 Retention price as fixed by the Government (specify the period for which relevant) 30 Product Subsidy from Government ‐ PROFORMA ‘G’ Statement showing Activity Name of the company: Name and address of the Factory or Unit Short Name and Code No. allotted by Directorate of Sugar For the Period/Year (Amount in Rupees) Sno. Particulars Gross Block Depreciation Net Block Cost as at beginning of the year Additions / Transfers during the year Deductions / Transfer during the year Total Cost at the end of the year As at beginning of the year For the year On deductions during the year Total at the end of the yea As at beginning of the year As at the end of the year A. Sugar (specify) 1. etc B. Alcohol Activity (specify) 1. etc C. Others (specify) 1. etc D. Packing 1. etc E. Utilities (specify) F. Common (Production or Administrative or Marketing Overheads 1. 2. H. Grand Total (A to F) 20 PROFORMA ‘H’ Statement showing Allocation and Apportionment of Total Expenses and Income of the Company Name of the company: Name and address of the Factory or Unit Short Name and Code No. allotted by Directorate of Sugar For the Period/Year (Amount in Rupees) Sno. Particulars Total Expenses as per Audited Financial Accounts Total as per Annual Accounts of sugar Units Total as per Annual Accounts of Alcohol Units Other Activities Utilities (separately for each) Factory Overheads Administration Overheads Marketing or Selling and Distribution Other cost centres (specify) Non Cost Expenses 1. Direct Materials (specify) 2. Process Materials (specify) 3. Chemicals (specify) 4. a) Fuel b) Own Production 5. a) Salaries, Wages, Bonus Etc. b) Contr. to Provident and Other Funds c) Staff Welfare Expenses 6. Consumable Stores and Spares 7. a) Plant and Machinery b) Buildings c) Others 8. Other Direct Expenses (specify) 9. Rent 21 Sno. Particulars Total Expenses as per Audited Financial Accounts Total as per Annual Accounts of sugar Units Total as per Annual Accounts of Alcohol Units Other Activities Utilities (separately for each) Factory Overheads Administration Overheads Marketing or Selling and Distribution Other cost centres (specify) Non Cost Expenses 10. Insurance 11. Rates and Taxes 12. Payment To Auditors 13. Travelling and Conveyance 14. Communication Expenses 15. Printing and Stationery 16. Bank Charges 17. Sales Promotion Expenses 18. Packing Materials 19. Handling Expenses 20. Miscellaneous Expenses 21. Transportation Charges 22. Quality Control 23. Royalty or Technical Know 24. Technical Assistant Fees 25. Other Statutory Levies 26. Cess 27. Lease Rent 28. Research and Development 30. Packing Expenses 31. Borrowing Charges 32. Loss on Assets Sold, Lost or Written Off 33. Exchange Rate Fluctuations 34. Provision For Doubtful Debts, Advances, Claims and Obsolescence 22 Sno. Particulars Total Expenses as per Audited Financial Accounts Total as per Annual Accounts of sugar Units Total as per Annual Accounts of Alcohol Units Other Activities Utilities (separately for each) Factory Overheads Administration Overheads Marketing or Selling and Distribution Other cost centres (specify) Non Cost Expenses 35. Provision for Contingencies 36. Depreciation or Depletion 37. Total Expenses 38. Adjustment of Opening and Closing Work in Progress 39. Less, Credit for Recoveries 40. Less, Self Consumption, if any, 41. Adjustment of Opening and Closing Finished Goods 42. 43. Excise Duty 44. 45. Duty 46. Add: Export Benefit, if any 47. 23 PROFORMA ‘H Statement showing Apportionment of Overheads Name of the Company Name and address of the Factory or Unit Short Name and Code No. allotted by Directorate of Sugar For the Period/Year Factory Overheads Administration Overheads Marketing or Selling and Distribution Other Overheads (specify Cost Centres Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Utilities (specify) Production Cost Centres (specify) 1. 2. 3. 4. Others (specify) Total (as per Proforma H) PROFORMA ‘I’ Statement of Profit Reconciliation (for the company as a whole) Name of the Company Short Name and Code No. allotted by Directorate of Sugar For the Period/Year Sno. Particulars Current Year (Rs) Previous Year (Rs) 1 Profit or Loss as per Cost Accounting Records a) For the audited product groups b) For the un 2 Add: Incomes not considered in cost accounts: (a) Specify (b) (c) (d) 3 Less: Expenses not considered in cost accounts: (a) Specify (b) (c) 24 Sno. Particulars Current Year (Rs) Previous Year (Rs) (d) 4 Add: Overvaluation of Closing Stock in Financial Accounts 5 Add: Undervaluation of Opening Stock in Financial Accounts 6 Less: Undervaluation of Closing Stock in Financial Accounts 7 Less: Overvaluation of Opening Stock in Financial Accounts 8 Adjustments for others, if any (specify 9 Profit or Loss as per Financial Accounts NOTES: 1 Separate cost statement shall be prepared for each utility or product or type or activity group by using the relevant proforma. 2 Separate cost statements shall be prepared in respect of products exported wherein expenses incurred on exports and incentive earned thereon shall also be indicated. 2 The items of cost shown in the Proforma are indicative and the same shall be reflected keeping in mind materiality of each items of cost in the product and activity group. 3 In case the company follows a pre above cost statement should reflect figures at actual after adjustment of variances if any. 4 Details of interest charges relating to loans received at concessional rate from Sugar Development Fund or Other Funds shall be indicated separately for each loan indicating the period of repayment in a separate statement. 5 All items of income and expenditures in the Proforma ‘H’, ‘H reconciled with the financial account for the relevant period or year. [F. No. 52/7/CAB B.B.GOYAL Adviser (Cost)
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