07(RE-2012)/2009-14, Dated: 23/07/2012


Amendment in ITC (HS) 2012 Schedule I – Import Policy

To be Published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part-II, Section - 3, Sub-Section (ii)
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Udyog Bhawan
Notification No. 7 (RE – 2012)/2009-2014
New Delhi, Dated: 23rd July, 2012

Subject: -     Amendment in ITC (HS) 2012 Schedule 1 – Import Policy.
S.O. (E) In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5, read along with Section 3(2) of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992, read with paragraph 2.1 of Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment in the Schedule 1 – Import Policy of the ITC (HS), 2012.
2.         In Chapter 24, against the ITC HS Codes 2402 20 10, 2402 20 20, 2402 20 30 and 2402 20 40, the descriptions are modified as under:

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
2402 20 Cigarettes, containing tobacco:    
2402 20 10 Other than filter cigarettes, of length not exceeding 60 millimetres Free  
2402 20 20 Other than filter cigarettes, of length exceeding 60 millimetres but not exceeding 70 millimetres Free  
2402 20 30 Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its actual length, whichever is more) not exceeding 60 millimetres Free  
2402 20 40 Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its actual length, whichever is more) exceeding 60 millimetres not exceeding 70 millimetres Free  

As Amended:

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
2402 20 Cigarettes, containing tobacco:    
2402 20 10 Other than filter cigarettes, of length not exceeding 65 millimetres Free  
2402 20 20 Other than filter cigarettes, of length exceeding 65 millimetres but not exceeding 70 millimetres Free  
2402 20 30 Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its actual length, whichever is more) not exceeding 65 millimetres Free  
2402 20 40 Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its actual length, whichever is more) exceeding 65 millimetres not exceeding 70 millimetres Free  

3.         In Chapter 26, in heading 2601, in sub-heading 2601 11, for the ITC HS Codes 2601 11 10 to 2601 11 90 and the entries relating thereto, the following the ITC HS Codes items and entries shall be substituted, namely:

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
  Iron ores and concentrates, other than roasted iron pyrites:    
2601 11 Non-agglomerated:    
2601 11 10 Iron ore lumps (60% Fe or more) Free  
2601 11 20 Iron ore lumps (below 60% Fe, including black iron ore containing upto 10% Mn) Free  
2601 11 30 Iron ore fines (62% Fe or more) Free  
2601 11 40 Iron ore fines (below 62% Fe) Free  
2601 11 50 Iron ore concentrates Free  
2601 11 90 Other Free  

As Amended:

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
  Iron ores and concentrates, other than roasted iron pyrites:    
2601 11 Non-agglomerated:    
  Iron ore lumps (60% Fe or more)    
2601 11 11 60% Fe or more but below 62% Fe kg. 10% Free  
2601 11 12 62% Fe or more but below 65% Fe kg. 10% Free  
2601 11 19 65% Fe and above kg. 10% Free  
  Iron ore lumps (below 60% Fe, including black iron ore containing up to 10% Mn)    
2601 11 21 below 55% Fe kg. 10% Free  
2601 11 22 55%  Fe or more but below 58% Fe kg. 10% Free  
2601 11 29 58% Fe or more but below 60% Fe kg. 10% Free  
  Iron ore fines (62% Fe or more)    
2601 11 31 62% Fe or more but below 65% Fe kg. 10% Free  
2601 11 39 65% Fe and above kg. 10% Free  
  Iron ore Fines (below 62% Fe)    
2601 11 41 below 55% Fe kg. 10% Free  
2601 11 42 55% Fe or more but below 58% Fe kg. 10% Free  
2601 11 43 58% Fe or more but below 60% Fe kg. 10% Free  
2601 11 49 60% Fe or more but below 62% Fe kg. 10% Free  
2601 11 50 Iron ore concentrates kg. 10% Free  
2601 11 90 Others kg. 10% Free  

4.         In Chapter 48, after Note 12, the following Note shall be inserted, namely:—
"13. Notwithstanding anything contained in Note 12, if paper and paper products of heading 4811, 4816 or 4820 are printed with any character, name, logo, motif or format, they shall remain classified under the respective headings as long as such products are intended to be used for further printing or writing.";
5          In Chapter 74, in heading 7404,—
(a) In ITC (HS) code 7404 00 12, in the entry in column (2), for the words  "ISRI code word 'Palms'", the following words shall be substituted, namely:—

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
7404 00 12 Copper scrap, namely the following: Copper wire scrap covered by ISRI code words ‘Barley’, ‘Berry’ and ‘Birch’; Heavy copper scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Candy’; Unalloyed copper scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Cliff’; Copper wire nodules scrap covered by ISRI code words ‘Clove’, ‘Cobra’ and ‘Cocoa’; Light copper scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Dream’; Muntz metal tubes covered by ISRI code word ‘Palms’ Free  

As Amended:

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
7404 00 12 Copper scrap, namely the following: Copper wire scrap covered by ISRI code words ‘Barley’, ‘Berry’ and ‘Birch’; Heavy copper scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Candy’; Unalloyed copper scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Cliff’; Copper wire nodules scrap covered by ISRI code words ‘Clove’, ‘Cobra’ and ‘Cocoa’; Light copper scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Dream’; Muntz metal tubes covered by ISRI code word ‘Palms’; Miscellaneous copper-containing skimmings, grindings, ashes, irony brass and copper, residues and slags covered by ISRI code word 'Drove'; Copper wire scrap with various types of insulation covered by ISRI code word 'Druid’ Free  

(b) In ITC (HS) Code 7404 00 22, in the entry in column (2), for the words "ISRI code word 'Parch'", the following words shall be substituted, namely,—

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
7404 00 22 Brass scrap, namely the following: Refinery brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Drink’; Composition of Red brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Ebony’; Red brass composition turnings scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Enerv’; Genuine babbit-lined brass bushings scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Elder’; Machinery or hard brass solids scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Engel’; Machinery or hand brass solids scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Erin’; Cocks and faucets scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Grape’; Yellow brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Honey’; Yellow brass castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Ivory’; New brass clippings covered by ISRI code word ‘Label’; Yellow brass primer covered by ISRI code word ‘Lark’; Brass pipe covered by ISRI code word ‘Melon’; Yellow brass rod turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Night’; New yellow brass rod ends covered by ISRI code word ‘Noble’; Yellow brass turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Nomad’; Mixed unsweated auto radiators covered by ISRI code word ‘Ocean’; Admiralty brass condenser tubes covered by ISRI code word ‘Pales’; Aluminium brass condenser tubes covered by ISRI code word ‘Pallu’; Manganese bronze solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Parch’. Free  

As amended:

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
7404 00 22 Brass scrap, namely the following: Refinery brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Drink’; Composition of Red brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Ebony’; Red brass composition turnings scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Enerv’; Genuine babbit-lined brass bushings scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Elder’; Machinery or hard brass solids scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Engel’; Machinery or hand brass solids scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Erin’; Cocks and faucets scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Grape’; Yellow brass scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Honey’; Yellow brass castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Ivory’; New brass clippings covered by ISRI code word ‘Label’; Yellow brass primer covered by ISRI code word ‘Lark’; Brass pipe covered by ISRI code word ‘Melon’; Yellow brass rod turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Night’; New yellow brass rod ends covered by ISRI code word ‘Noble’; Yellow brass turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Nomad’; Mixed unsweated auto radiators covered by ISRI code word ‘Ocean’; Admiralty brass condenser tubes covered by ISRI code word ‘Pales’; Aluminium brass condenser tubes covered by ISRI code word ‘Pallu’; Manganese bronze solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Parch’; High Grade-Low Lead Bronze/Brass Solids covered by ISRI code word 'Eland'; High lead bronze solids and borings covered by ISRI code word 'Elias'; Clean fired 70/30 brass shell cases free of primers and any other foreign material covered by ISRI code word 'Lace'; Clean fired 70/30 brass shell cases containing the brass primers and containing no other foreign material covered by ISRI code word 'Lady'; Clean fired 70/30 brass shells free of bullets, iron and any other foreign material covered by ISRI code word 'Lake'; Clean muffled (popped) 70/30 brass shells free of bullets, iron and any other foreign material covered by ISRI code word 'Lamb’. Free  

6.         In Chapter 75, in ITC (HS) Code 7503 00 10, in the entry in column (2), for the words "other floating structures", the following words shall be substituted, namely:—

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
7503 00 10 Nickel scrap, namely the following: 
New nickel scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Aroma’; Old nickel scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Burly’; New cupro nickel clips and solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Dandy’; Cupro nickel solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Daunt’; Soldered cupro-nickel solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Delta’; Cupro nickel spinnings, turnings, borings covered by ISRI code word ‘Decoy’; Miscellaneous nickel copper and nickel copper iron covered by ISRI code word ‘Depth’; New R-monel clippings solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Hitch’; New mixed monel solids and clippings covered by ISRI code word ‘House’; Old monel sheet and solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Ideal’; k-monel solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Indian’; Soldered monel sheet and solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Junto’; Monel castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Lemon’; Monel turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Lemur’; Nickel scrap obtained by breaking up of ships, boats and other floating structures

As Amended:

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
7503 00 10 Nickel scrap, namely the following: 
New nickel scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Aroma’; Old nickel scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Burly’; New cupro nickel clips and solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Dandy’; Cupro nickel solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Daunt’; Soldered cupro-nickel solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Delta’; Cupro nickel spinnings, turnings, borings covered by ISRI code word ‘Decoy’; Miscellaneous nickel copper and nickel copper iron covered by ISRI code word ‘Depth’; New R-monel clippings solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Hitch’; New mixed monel solids and clippings covered by ISRI code word ‘House’; Old monel sheet and solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Ideal’; k-monel solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Indian’; Soldered monel sheet and solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Junto’; Monel castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Lemon’; Monel turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Lemur’; Nickel scrap obtained by breaking up of ships, boats and other floating structures; Nickel-iron batteries to be sold free of crates, copper terminal connectors and excess liquid, must be free of nickel cadmium batteries covered by ISRI code word 'Vaunt'

7.         In Chapter 76, in heading 7602, in ITC (HS) Code 7602 00 10, in column (2), the following amendments are made:

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
7602 00 10 Aluminium scrap, namely the following: Clean aluminium lithographic sheets covered by ISRI code word ‘Tablet’; New, Clean aluminium lithographic sheets covered by ISRI code word ‘Tabloid’; Mixed low copper aluminium clippings and solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Taboo’; Clean mixed old alloy sheet aluminium covered by ISRI code word ‘Taint/Tabor’; New aluminium can stock covered by ISRI code word ‘Take’; Old can stock covered by ISRI code word ‘Talap’; Shredded aluminium used beverages can (U) scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Talcred’; Densified aluminium used beverages can (UBC) scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Taldack’; Baled aluminium used beverage can (UBC) scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Taldon’; Briquetted aluminium used beverage can (UBC) scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Taldork’; Painted siding covered by ISRI code word ‘Tale’; Coated scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Talent’; Aluminium scrap radiators covered by ISRI code word ‘Talk’; E.C. aluminium nodules covered by ISRI code word ‘Tall’; New pure aluminium wire and cable covered by ISRI code word ‘Talon’; New mixed aluminium wire and cable covered by ISRI code word ‘Tanri’; Old pure aluminium wire and cable covered by ISRI code word ‘Taste’; Old mixed aluminium wire and cable covered by ISRI code word ‘Tassel’; Aluminium pistons covered by ISRI code word ‘Tarry’; Segregated aluminium borings and turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Teens’; Mixed aluminium castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Telic’; Mixed aluminium castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Tense’; Wrecked airplane sheet aluminium covered by ISRI code word ‘Tepid’; New aluminium foil covered by ISRI code word ‘Terse’; Old aluminium foil covered by ISRI code word ‘Testy’; Aluminium grindings covered by ISRI code word ‘Thigh’; Sweated aluminium covered by ISRI code word ‘Throb’; Segregated new aluminium alloy clippings and solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Tooth’; Mixed new aluminium alloy clippings and solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Tough’; Segregated new aluminium castings, forgings and extrusions covered by ISRI code word ‘Tread’; Aluminium auto castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Trump’; Insulated aluminium wire scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Twang’; Aluminium airplane castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Twist’; Fragmentizer aluminium scrap (from automobile shredder) covered by ISRI code word ‘Twitch’ Free  

As Amended:

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
7602 00 10 Aluminium scrap, namely the following: Clean aluminium lithographic sheets covered by ISRI code word ‘Tablet’; New, Clean aluminium lithographic sheets covered by ISRI code word ‘Tabloid’; Mixed low copper aluminium clippings and solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Taboo’; Clean mixed old alloy sheet aluminium covered by ISRI code word ‘Taint/Tabor’; New aluminium can stock covered by ISRI code word ‘Take’; Old can stock covered by ISRI code word ‘Talc’; Shredded aluminium used beverages can (U) scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Talcred’; Densified aluminium used beverages can (UBC) scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Taldack’; Baled aluminium used beverage can (UBC) scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Taldon’; Briquetted aluminium used beverage can (UBC) scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Taldork’; Painted siding covered by ISRI code word ‘Tale’; Coated scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Talent’; Aluminium scrap radiators covered by ISRI code word ‘Talk’; E.C. aluminium nodules covered by ISRI code word ‘Tall’; New pure aluminium wire and cable covered by ISRI code word ‘Talon’; New mixed aluminium wire and cable covered by ISRI code word ‘Tann’; Old pure aluminium wire and cable covered by ISRI code word ‘Taste’; Old mixed aluminium wire and cable covered by ISRI code word ‘Tassel’; Aluminium pistons covered by ISRI code word ‘Tarry’; Segregated aluminium borings and turnings covered by ISRI code word ‘Teens’; Mixed aluminium castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Telic’; Mixed aluminium castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Tense’; Wrecked airplane sheet aluminium covered by ISRI code word ‘Tepid’; New aluminium foil covered by ISRI code word ‘Terse’; New aluminium foil covered by ISRI code word ‘Tetra’; Old aluminium foil covered by ISRI code word ‘Tesla’; Aluminium grindings covered by ISRI code word ‘Thigh’; Sweated aluminium covered by ISRI code word ‘Throb’; Segregated new aluminium alloy clippings and solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Tooth’; Mixed new aluminium alloy clippings and solids covered by ISRI code word ‘Tough’; Segregated new aluminium castings, forgings and extrusions covered by ISRI code word ‘Tread’; Aluminium auto castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Trump’; Insulated aluminium wire scrap covered by ISRI code word ‘Twang’; Aluminium airplane castings covered by ISRI code word ‘Twist’; Fragmentizer aluminium scrap (from automobile shredder) covered by ISRI code word ‘Twitch’;Aluminium auto or truck wheels covered by ISRI code word ‘Troma’; Fragmentizer aluminium scrap from automobile shredders covered by ISRI code word ‘Tweak’; Burnt fragmentizer aluminium scrap from automobile shredders covered by ISRI code word ‘Twire’; Shredded non-ferrous scrap (predominantly aluminium) covered by ISRI code word ‘Zorba’; Aluminium drosses, spatterns, spellings, skimmings and sweepings covered by ISRI code word ‘Thirl’; New production aluminium extrusions covered by ISRI code word ‘Tata’; All aluminium radiators from automobiles covered by ISRI code word ‘Tally’; Aluminium extrusions ‘10/10’ covered by ISRI code word ‘Toto’; Aluminium extrusions dealer grade covered by the word ‘Tutu’. Free  

8.         In Chapter 78, in ITC (HS) Code 7802 00 10, in the entry in column (2), for the words "ISRI code word 'Roses', the following words and brackets shall be substituted, namely:—

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
7802 00 10 Lead scrap, namely the following: Scrap lead-soft covered by ISRI code word ‘Racks’; Mixed hard or soft scrap lead covered by ISRI code word ‘Radio’; Lead covered copper cable covered by ISRI code word ‘Relay’; Wheel weights covered by ISRI code word ‘Ropes’; Mixed common babbit covered by ISRI code word ‘Roses’ Free  

As Amended:

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
7802 00 10 Lead scrap, namely the following: Scrap lead-soft covered by ISRI code word ‘Racks’; Mixed hard or soft scrap lead covered by ISRI code word ‘Radio’; Lead covered copper cable covered by ISRI code word ‘Relay’; Wheel weights covered by ISRI code word ‘Ropes’; Mixed common babbit covered by ISRI code word ‘Roses’;  Lead battery plates whether automotive, industrial or mixed covered by ISRI code word 'Rails'; Scrap drained/dry whole intact lead covered by ISRI code word 'Rains'; Battery lugs free of scrap lead, wheel weights, battery plates, rubber or plastic case material and other foreign material covered by ISRI code word 'Rakes'; Lead covered copper cable free of armoured covered cable and foreign material covered by ISRI code word 'Relay'; Lead dross covered by ISRI code word 'Rents'; Scrap wet whole intact lead batteries consisting of SLI (starting, lighting and ignition), automotive, truck, 8-D and commercial golf cart and marine type batteries covered by ISRI code word 'Rink'; Scrap industrial intact lead cells consisting of plates enclosed by some form of complete plastic case covered by ISRI code word 'Rono'; Scrap whole Intact Industrial Lead Batteries Consisting of bus, diesel, locomotive, telephone or steel cased batteries covered by ISRI code word 'Roper' Free  

9.         In Chapter 79, in ITC (HS) Code 7902 00 10, in the entry in column (2), for the word "oxidation", the following words shall be substituted, namely:—

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
7902 00 10 Zinc scrap, namely the following: Old zinc die cast scrap covered by ISRI Code word 'Saves'; New zinc die cast scrap covered by ISRI Code word 'Scabs';
New plated zinc die cast scrap covered by ISRI Code word 'Scope'; Zinc die cast automotive grills covered by ISRI Code word 'Scoot'; Old scrap zinc covered by ISRI Code word 'Score'; New zinc clippings covered by ISRI Code word 'Screen'; Zinc die cast slabs or pigs covered by ISRI Code word ‘Scull’; Crushed clean sorted fragmentizers die cast scrap, as produced from automobile fragmentizers covered by ISRI Code word ‘Scribe’; Hot dip galvanizers slab zinc dross (Batch process) covered by ISRI Code word ‘Scrub’ (minimum 92% zinc) – free of skimmings; Continuous line galvanizing slab zinc top dross covered by ISRI Code word ‘Seal’ (minimum 90% zinc) – free of skimmings; Continuous line galvanizing slab zinc bottom dross covered by ISRI Code word ‘Seam’ (minimum 92% zinc) – free of skimmings; Prime zinc die casts covered by ISRI Code word ‘Shelf’ (85% zinc) – free from corrosion or oxidation.

As Amended:

Exim Code Item Description Policy Policy Conditions
7902 00 10 Zinc scrap, namely the following: Old zinc die cast scrap covered by ISRI Code word 'Saves'; New zinc die cast scrap covered by ISRI Code word 'Scabs';
New plated zinc die cast scrap covered by ISRI Code word 'Scope'; Zinc die cast automotive grills covered by ISRI Code word 'Scoot'; Old scrap zinc covered by ISRI Code word 'Score'; New zinc clippings covered by ISRI Code word 'Screen'; Zinc die cast slabs or pigs covered by ISRI Code word ‘Scull’; Crushed clean sorted fragmentizers die cast scrap, as produced from automobile fragmentizers covered by ISRI Code word ‘Scribe’; Hot dip galvanizers slab zinc dross (Batch process) covered by ISRI Code word ‘Scrub’ (minimum 92% zinc) – free of skimmings; Continuous line galvanizing slab zinc top dross covered by ISRI Code word ‘Seal’ (minimum 90% zinc) – free of skimmings; Continuous line galvanizing slab zinc bottom dross covered by ISRI Code word ‘Seam’ (minimum 92% zinc) – free of skimmings; Prime zinc die casts covered by ISRI Code word ‘Shelf’ (85% zinc) – free from corrosion or oxidation; Unsorted zinc die cast scrap produced from automobile fragmentizers containing about 55% zinc-bearing scrap covered by ISRI code word 'Scroll'.

10.       Effect of this Notification:
Amendments carried out in the Budget 2012 have been incorporated in the ITC (HS), 2012.

 (Anup K. Pujari)
Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: dgft@nic.in


 (Issued from F.No.01/89/214/8/AM-00/PC-2(A)


Amendments carried out in the Budget 2012 have been incorporated in the ITC (HS), 2012
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