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F. No. 01/36/218/21/AM13/EPCG-I
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
(Directorate General of Foreign Trade)
[ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organisation]
Udyog Bhawan, H-Wing
Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi-110011
Web Site:
Policy Circular No. 4 (RE-2012)/2009-14 Dated 30.08.2012
All Regional Offices of DGFT
Subject: Policy Circular No. 2 (RE-2012)/2009-14 dated 19.7.2012 - Corrigendum thereto
Policy Circular 2 was issued on 19.7.2012 with the subject header ‘Pending EODC cases where vehicles imported under EPCG Scheme were not registered as Commercial/ Tourist Vehicle- Reference Policy Circular dated 07.05.2008’. Para 4 (c) and Para 5 (a)(i) of this policy circular indicate the reference date as “31.08.2006”.
2. Para 1(iii) of Notification No. 11 (RE 2006)/2004-09 dated 14.06.2006 mandated registering of vehicles imported under EPCG Scheme as under:
“the vehicles imported under this scheme shall be registered either as a tourist vehicle or shall have an appropriate registration specific to a particular state enabling the vehicle to be used for tourist purpose. A copy of the Registration certificate should be submitted to the concerned Licensing Authority as a confirmation of the vehicle having been imported and capital good installed.”
Therefore, the correct reference date in Policy Circular 2 should read as 14.06.2006.
3. Accordingly, the reference date mentioned in Para 4(a) and in Para 5(a)(i) of the Policy Circular 2 dated 19.07.2012 is amended to read as 14.06.2006.
4. This issues with the approval of DGFT.
(Rita Mahna)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
Tel. No. +91 11 2306 1562/Ext. 288