15(RE-2009)/2009-14, Dated: 15/10/2009

NOTIFICATION NO. 15/2009-2014
Sub :  Policy for issue of import licences of Rough Marble Blocks/Slabs, w.e.f. 1st   October, 2009.
S.O. (E) In exercise of powers conferred under section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development  and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendments in Schedule-I (Imports) to the ITC (HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items:
2.      Import Licensing Note No. (2) inserted at the end of Chapter 25, will be amended to read as follows:
(A)     A number of representations have been received from the various associations of marble manufacturers/processors for review of the regime governing import of marble.   The matter has been considered carefully by the Government. The following Policy provisions will henceforth be applicable for import of rough marble blocks/slabs w.e.f.    1st October, 2009.  This Policy will supercede earlier Policy/Guidelines for issue of import licences  of rough marble blocks/slabs.
(B)    Attention is invited to EXIM Code Nos. 25151100, 25151210, 25151220, 25151290 indicated in Schedule-1 (imports) of ITC (HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items.  As per the provisions contained therein, import of Marble and Travertine  - Crude or Roughly trimmed, Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape & other Calcareous Stone is restricted and subject to import licensing procedures. 
(C)       The applications for import licence under the above-mentioned Exim Codes will be considered in the following manner: -
I.                             Eligibility of the units will be decided based on the following two criteria:
(a)        Units who have installed marble gang saw machine (except 100% EOU units and units in SEZ).  The units should have been in operation for 5 years prior to 1st April of the current licensing year.
(b)       All eligible units as per (a) above should have indigenous sales turnover of processed marble slabs/tiles only, of Rs.1.00 Crore (Rupees one Crore only) and above in each of the previous five financial years.
II.         Floor Price-
It is further clarified that these licences shall be subject to the following floor price, which shall be endorsed on all licences.
i)           For crude or roughly trimmed marble –   US$ 275 per Metric Tonne  (MT);
ii)          For rough marble blocks –                        US$ 275 per Metric Tonne (MT); and
iii)         For rough Slabs –                                     US$ 450 per Metric Tonne (MT)
III.       Entitlement:  
The total import of rough marble blocks under Exim Code Nos.25151100, 25151210, 25151220, will be subject to a ceiling of 3 lakh MT for the whole of the licensing year.  Eligible unit will be entitled for an import licence pro rata on the basis of average indigenous sales turnover of processed marble slabs/tiles only, in the previous five financial years.  The quantity so calculated will however be subject to the following overall ceiling: -
(a)    Unit having one marble gang saw machine will be entitled for a maximum licence of 3,000 MT of marble blocks/slabs.
(b)   Units having more than one marble gang saw machine will be entitled for a maximum licence of 3000 MT of marble blocks/slabs for the first gang saw machine, and 1500 MT of marble blocks/slabs for each of the additional marble gang saw machines.
 IV.      All licences shall be subject to actual user condition.
V.        In this regard Licence holders shall file monthly returns regarding imports made by them to the concerned Regional Licensing Authority.
VI.       The eligible applicants may file an application (after the applications are so invited for the said licensing year) in the form given in ‘Aayaat Niryaat Form’ together with all relevant documents, to the concerned Regional Authority of DGFT. The eligibility of the applicants with respect to para 2(I) above shall be decided based on verification/certificate from the concerned State Government. RA concerned would forward the applications of eligible applicants to DGFT, HQ for further consideration.  For verification of the eligibility and entitlement the RA shall be guided by Policy Circular No.20 (RE-08)/2004-09 dated 16.7.2008 and Policy Circular No.25 (RE-08)/2004-09 dated 8.8.2008, regarding the required documents, with appropriate timelines.
  3.    This issues in public interest.
Director General of Foreign Trade and
                                       Ex-officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India
(Issued from File No. 01/89/180/Misc-06/AM 08/ PC-I A)


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